Blue Lives Matter

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Give or take on a daily basis let's say LEOs across the country are involved in over 1 million law enforcement interactions. Shits gonna happen. 100% of the time the cop is to blame in the eyes of the mainstream.

You walk up your stairs a million times in one day your gonna trip once. So arent LEOs regardless of 50 hrs of training or 1 hour of training.
So, is that a no answer?
Statistics on the number of grand jury indictments and successful prosecution of police officers suggest the complete opposite reality.
Umm that's not the mainstream. They are 100% of the time prosecuted by the mainstream regardless of a trial.
I'm overly proud of Americas LEO's. The fact they diffuse as many situations that they do without incidents is nothing short of amazing! I blame criminals not LEOs.
If you completely blame criminals and not LEOs for the current state of tension, you are either woefully misinformed or deliberately indifferent.

Regardless of the media, law enforcement needs to do a very thorough self examination. Some agencies are doing wonderful work in making things different and better. Others, not so much.

Sure we will help even tho you slander us all over the fricken country every waking hour of every day!
I'm overly proud of Americas LEO's. The fact they diffuse as many situations that they do without incidents is nothing short of amazing! I blame criminals not LEOs.
We can be both proud of the many great public servants; AND demand more from the worst. Not sure in what walk of life 100% of any group is above reproach (or 90% for that matter). Thin blue line absolutes are not about a thoughtful review of police competency, it is virtue signalling - "I am with all cops regardless of any other facts." Sad. And I have a couple of good friends who don't want anyone's blind support - they want the public to demand the police departments and police unions clean up the bottom of the barrel, as they are tired of dealing with their fallout.

So, I am PRO BLUE; AND I know society can do better with our police forces than we are right now.
All lives matter--Black, Brown, White, whatever !

But I strongly support law enforcement and military

do we have those in law enforcement and military that break the law--yes. And we need to arrest them, and they should be tried before a jury of their peers ( or a military court )

Damn it, we are throwing the baby out with the bath water and we are going to regret it. I dont want to defund them, threaten them, not serve them ( restaurants ) or hit them in the head with a bat when they are trying to remove someone off the street who would hurt us if left on the street.

There are several right here on this forum who are now or have been police officers and/or in the military . THANK YOU !

Perhaps I am just to old and things have changed or need to change and if that is the case I am receptive to new ideas.

What needs to change ? thank you

I think we need to understand each persons story and be willing to look at data.

The data doesn’t lie. Black people make up about 13% of the population, but make up between 40 and 50% of the murdered population each year.

History doesn’t lie. Schools have been desegregated in my parents life-time, and they’ve told me stories. Those schools were not equal. I was astonished to learn about the use of private schools in the south to maintain segregation. Scary 💩

I’ve also been reading a great deal about how poverty and growth opportunity is connected to crime also. Did you know there’s over an 80% chance a child will end up in a field related to their parents profession? Doctor’s kids tend to grow up to be in the medical field. Criminals kids tend to grow up to be criminals. It’s the same for socioeconomic status. Rich tend to be rich and so on. We believe we will be just like Mom or Dad.

I know a pile of soldiers and law enforcement officers. They are mostly good people with good intent. They feel safe and comfortable in their lives. Most don’t even worry about their lives while on the job; delete my friends that have served in warfare.

Do blue lives matter? Hell yes. Do green(soldiers I guess) lives matter? Another hell yeah. Do black lives and all other lives matter equally? My third hell yeah. However, the first two don’t live the same lives the last does.

This isn’t some damn competition. We have to be patriots that believe in cooperation and that our country isn’t perfect. It is good and must continually approve. It can only go two ways. We can’t be nationalistic, where we blindly push that our country is perfect. If we all; blue, green, white, black, red, brown, and even mauve band together cooperatively we will all be better off. Hell, maybe we will have more open public land, open water and discounts on hunting gear!
Umm that's not the mainstream. They are 100% of the time prosecuted by the mainstream regardless of a trial.
umm a jury of your peers is mainstream. But if you were too lazy to type "media" at the end of mainstream vs mainstream society which is what I was responded to you, I suggest you turn off the TV because FOX and CNN are spinning in opposite directions and it can cause nausea.
umm a jury of your peers is mainstream. But if you were too lazy to type "media" at the end of mainstream vs mainstream society which is what I was responded to you, I suggest you turn off the TV because FOX and CNN are spinning in opposite directions and it can cause nausea.
I do not have TV. Nor social media outside of HT.
We can be both proud of the many great public servants; AND demand more from the worst. Not sure in what walk of life 100% of any group is above reproach (or 90% for that matter). Thin blue line absolutes are not about a thoughtful review of police competency, it is virtue signalling - "I am with all cops regardless of any other facts." Sad. And I have a couple of good friends who don't want anyone's blind support - they want the public to demand the police departments and police unions clean up the bottom of the barrel, as they are tired of dealing with their fallout.

So, I am PRO BLUE; AND I know society can do better with our police forces than we are right now.
Been trying to clean it up since prohibition. Keep trying. Were the greatest "tryers" of all time.
Like I said over a million interactions a day if you think there is an utopian perfect all 1 million future out there your delusional. Satan is at work 24/7/365 in everything everyone does everyday. Training, budget cuts/increases, rewards for whistleblowing, stringent penalties, etc.. cannot defeat the evil that works to destroy everyone of us everyday.
It's a pipedream!!!!!
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It is an interesting paradox in that unions exist to protect officers from corrupt and unethical administrators and inequitable treatment, yet the unions can be corrupted as well.

As far as compliance, there is a dangerous coexistence of officers who don't fully understand their legal authority and limitations, and citizens who don't fully understand the constitutional rights and limitations.
As someone who's been known to open carry, I fully understand this statement. I've never been put under a knee though.
Been trying to clean it up since prohibition. Keep trying. Were the greatest "tryers" of all time.
Like I said over a million interactions a day if you think there is an utopian perfect all 1 million future out there your delusional. Satan is at work 24/7/365 in everything everyone does everyday. Training, budget cuts/increases, rewards for whistleblowing, stringent penalties, etc.. cannot defeat the evil that works to destroy everyone of us everyday.
It's a pipedream!!!!!
Pretty sure having any 1 of 3 sworn officers decide to roll GF over on his side is not beyond our grasp. Some simple humanity will do nicely.
My guess is this is not widely the case in law enforcement. In fact, I'm willing to bet there is a distinct cultural barrier to speaking out and up.
The Seven Five shows that barrier well that you speak of.

I know there is bad people and I know bad people are gonna continue to be here doing bad things until the end of time. I'm not against trying new approaches to help problems. I'm also not so naive I that I think there is a cure all. George Floyd will happen again and again and again and again no matter what anybody does short of a good human stepping in during the actual assault and stopping it.
Sometimes I read through threads like this and wonder if some people actually like talking hunting or if they just like stirring stuff up on the Internet? A well intended thread at the start turns into a peeing contest in about 3 seconds.
It can be AND. I like to talk about shooting sports and hunting, AND I like to offer thoughts on other issues that show up in the forum from time to time. One does not need to hinder the other as long as folks keep their emotions under control. I always wonder why folks who only want to read about hunting bother clicking on these links, reading all the posts and then tell us it is a waste of their time.
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