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Blog Column at

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Part of the announcements you will be seeing/hearing as it relates to the show is the fact that Outdoor Channel has seen our site and asked if I would be one of the bloggers on their new site, I know, most of you are rolling your eyes and saying, "Obviously, they really don't know this Big Fin guy."

Anyhow, they have asked me to do a ten-part blog series helping people learn how the western hunting gig works. This is the first entry where I narrow down the options and what animal I intend to apply for.

Many others will follow, and will hopefully help many people figure out how they can make their western hunt a reality, rather than just a dream. Most of you already know this information, but how to plan a hunt and acquire a tag has been by far the most common question I get in my hundreds of emails each month. Hopefully this blog series will help.

Soon to follow will be another series of blog entries related to equipment that we use for western hunts.

You guys would be amazed at who looks at this site, and the requests that are made to provide similar content to other sites. People look at the guys on Hunt Talk and realize that our users and viewers are the real deal.

I have told many people that the users on Hunt Talk should be the guys writing the blogs and columns, not me. There are many people here way more knowledgeable than I. So when I give them your contact information, don't let me down. - On Your Own Adventures Blog Entry

Thanks for all that you guys do. Hunt Talk is the best hunting site on the web.

More announcements to come in the next few weeks.
That’s great stuff randy. On another thread , I mentioned doing a “How to” show. This blog is exactly what I was talking about.
On the other hand, there go the odds again !
I double-dare you to share your ID and password with some of the colorful characters on here so they can help you keep up with that blog....Oh yeah you WANT to keep your show, not bury it.:D

That is a neat idea and a logical extension of the whole concept of OYOA. Truly there are hordes of guys who have no clue how to make those first few steps forward.
Wow, you are kind of a big deal now Fin....Don't go forgetting the little people :)

Can you post it on both sites?If not keep updating us with a link so we can follow it.Thanks.

You are a positive force for hunting. I like what you do and hope you profit from your for what you do. I just want to thank you; good job!
Big Fin.....remember all us little people when you get your own line of optics and muzzleloaders and bows and boots and game calls and scent proof clothes with OYOA on them
Congrats Fin on the new OC gig. Very well written and I'm sure will be one of the most read blogs on OC.
Looks good Fin. Should help answer some of the questions for the Non residents. Why not throw Washington and Oregon in the mix? You've got to spread the Non res. love around:D They do have some good elk and deer hunting. I'm not sure if they are very non resident friendly as far as tags go.
Not only are congratulations in order to Randy, but the impact his show has had towards promoting that which is good about hunting. You've done well Fin.
Spreading the word makes me nervous! But congrats and good luck..don't list my favorite units please ;)
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