BLM Considering 13,000 Acre Purchase in Blackfoot

Need glasses?

The public should see both sides of what they're buying, not a cherry picked photo showing balsam root covered south slopes and cut over low-mid elevation DF stands.

They're getting a lot of weed problems, road problems, sediment problems, under-stocked clear-cuts, over-stocked clear-cuts, cut over sub-alpine type stuff that wasn't slashed properly...just to name a few of the potential management challenges the BLM/public is going to get stuck with. All of which is subject to 80+ year stand case. Not to mention terrible budgets that provide very little funding for management.
Sad Buzz how quick you are to point out bad forestry practices by the industry back in the 60s and 70s yet went out of your way to dismiss even worse forestry "work" conducted by your own agency in 2015 as demonstrated in this link.
Sad Buzz how quick you are to point out bad forestry practices by the industry back in the 60s and 70s yet went out of your way to dismiss even worse forestry "work" conducted by your own agency in 2015 as demonstrated in this link.

Wrong as usual. I well remember when all that country in Belmont Creek, Belmont Peak, Gold Peak, West Fork Gold Creek, Angel Creek, Game Ridge, Black Mountain was all logged. Same with Blanchard Creek, Woodchuck, Game ridge, Boles Creek, Placid...I remember when that was logged. Most all of it in the 80's-late 90's. The lower part of Gold Creek, Cow Creek, and very lower part of Belmont Creek were logged heavy as well as Sunflower Mountain...and a bit here and there in other places, in the 60's and 70's. To tell you the truth, some of that older logging left a lot more volume than what went on in the 80's-90's. I can show you a several hundred acre clear cut that not a single log left it, done in the late 80's. It was all chipped on site and hauled out in chip trucks.

Where I shot my first six point bull (located in the map you provided), there was an active sale going on in 1986. I asked the guy that bought the sale if he would move his machines off the road so I could get closer to get that bull out. They slicked a gigantic portion of that country around that time, and where I killed that bull is now clearcut. The logger, Jim Richards, was good enough to move his equipment at the end of the day, so I could get back in there. He was a super nice guy. I ran into him a couple times after that, and always talked to him when I saw him logging. Last time I talked to him was in about 1990, and two years later, I learned his wife, Becky, shot him in the back of the head with a .357 at the breakfast table. Apparently Jim and his brother had found out she had embezzled a bunch of money from their logging company. She tried to make it look like Jim committed suicide, but that didn't work out too well for her.

Take a tour on Google Earth and look at some photos from the 80's...much of that country was not significantly logged at all. A large portion of that country was logged mostly in the 80's, 90's, and even in the 2000's.
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These things go into the weeds fast.
Anytime WE buy acres, it's a GOOD THING. Unless Buzz knows where they are creating more land.
Im always flabbergasted to hear FS/BLM employees. complain about how extraction or logging wasn't done properly. Seems like WE pay the FS/BLM to do a job. The logger has a financial motivator to make a job as profitable as possible. What is the FS/BLM reason for not doing their job? Laziness?
If good practices weren't followed, and the FS/BLM allowed it, then we need to hold the FS/BLM accountable.

But, anytime the public can acquire land, it should. Period.
Mixed opinions on TNC, depends on where you are and who you deal with I'm sure. I'd rather our tax dollars go to buying more land into the system than blowing it like they normally do. I'd love if there was a concerted effort to buy small tracts to gain access where private is blocking access to big hunks of public lands like in CO, WY, MT, et cetera.
Yea, lets hope our newly appointed head of the BLM doesn't put the breaks on it......
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