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Black powder substitutes?

Yeah, I don't order powder shipped.
With black powder being listed as an actual explosive, shipping hazmat is often more expensive than the powder itself.
You really should look into it. You may be surprised. Or go in with other people and split the shipping. So many different ways to get it done.
I have seen some guys on line that do. One guy has some pretty decent stuff from what I have seen of his targets. But if buying it is too expensive or troublesome making it is 10 times more.
I use triple 7, Blackhorn would be nice but way too expensive for me.
it absolutely ridiculous how expensive it has become and the are coming in smaller containers too. once I use up my BH ill move to something else... I have some 777 that I haven't given a fair shake yet.
I'm surprised someone has come out with a similar product to BH. I wonder if it is protected with patent laws? If so time has to be running out on that. Bh209 is amazing but price per ounce is truly criminal.
Pretty sure the Shooters World Multi-Purpose Black is the same product. I've seen it on the shelf at Scheels fairly regularly and also stocked by most of the reputable internet sellers.
Just picked some. But only found fffg instead of ffg. Measure the weight and it's not the same. The 2f is 86 grains per 100 weight to volume and this 3f is 81. I guess I'm going to have some fun experiments at the range. Btw I measure everything 3 times to make sure. And I have reload smokeless for decades. Like I said, it should be fun.
I’ve seen a lot of comments on this thread about the cost of BH209. Yes it is by far the most expensive of the substitutes, but is that cost really prohibitive?

How much are you all shooting that you can’t afford or justify the cost of BH209? By my calculation, with a max load, BH209 is $1 more per shot than equivalent 777 load. In a world of $1000 elk tags, I’ll burn dollar bills all day for better powder. The water resistant nature of BH209 is alone worth it to me.

I spend over $2 extra per shell to shoot premium hunting ammo over the bargain stuff in my centerfire rifle. Those of you who won’t spend the coin on BH209, are you shooting the cheapest ammo in all your other firearms?

I’m not arguing. I’m genuinely asking.
I’ve seen a lot of comments on this thread about the cost of BH209. Yes it is by far the most expensive of the substitutes, but is that cost really prohibitive?

How much are you all shooting that you can’t afford or justify the cost of BH209? By my calculation, with a max load, BH209 is $1 more per shot than equivalent 777 load. In a world of $1000 elk tags, I’ll burn dollar bills all day for better powder. The water resistant nature of BH209 is alone worth it to me.

I spend over $2 extra per shell to shoot premium hunting ammo over the bargain stuff in my centerfire rifle. Those of you who won’t spend the coin on BH209, are you shooting the cheapest ammo in all your other firearms?

I’m not arguing. I’m genuinely asking.
I'm with you 100% I shoot blackhorn and it's expensive...I'm still shooting the same supply I bought years ago. 2 shots to check my zero every year and and a couple on game if I am lucky!

It's for hunting, not training, or fun shooting.

Black horn all the way for my inline.

Goex Olde Eynesford for my flintlocks since the Swiss plant blew up!. Still nursing 4lbs of 2f and 1 lb of 4f pan powder.
I'm with you 100% I shoot blackhorn and it's expensive...I'm still shooting the same supply I bought years ago. 2 shots to check my zero every year and and a couple on game if I am lucky!

It's for hunting, not training, or fun shooting.

Black horn all the way for my inline.

Goex Olde Eynesford for my flintlocks since the Swiss plant blew up!. Still nursing 4lbs of 2f and 1 lb of 4f pan powder.
Swiss is back out. Picked some 2f up at my gunshop the other day and midway has it right now.
I guess I don't shoot it because of the price and I would have to buy a different breech plug. The standard one that came with my CVA wolf fires all the other loose powder just fine. I've got meat in the freezer so I don't see the need to change.
Probably makes a diff. But in Iowa shots are typically less than 200 yards. Mine were 75 this year.
Anyone not wanting a new breech of unable to get one, here is the BH209 modification. I did it on a 20 year old Remington Genesis (made by CVA).

I interpret your question as “I just bought a Tesla, any idea how to accommodate a Dodge Viper engine?” BP is and always has been awesome for the intended use. I’ve used substitutes like Pyrodex, BH. They have a place with inline rifles. Just like White Hots belong in inline. If you want to shoot real BP, then buy just that or make it yourself. And buy a real BP rifle.
Iv'e shot with proper gunpowder for 65 years never actually seen any substitutes so I ca'nt condemn it but no interest to me .I do have a strong predudice about the zip gun season cheater inlines . But since NZ dosnt HAVE Any closed seasons Deer ect being officially 'Noxious Animals '.Introduced not native 'pests' anything four legged other that the Tuatara lizards nobody minds them prehistoric fellows ,
Goverment Deer cullers where told( at least to me )" If it moves shoot if it dosn't bring it back for fire wood " There are still Govt Cullers .Paid to hunt & Ime told the Deer are winning theirs so much mountainous forests No tags no nothing. However they can 'graze at 40 miles an hour' in some areas .Well that was the jest .If you want an amuseing book read' A good keen man 'by Barry Crump 'who admittedly 'stretched the elastik in the truth department ".But it was his calling circa late 1950s /60s but the bush hasnt charged much .& it certainly inspired me .To have a go. We based in small huts baked out own bread & cooked what we fancied but heavy on Venison Stews or roast pigs .I didnt mind opossum's Ide got used to them when I trapped for fur the previous winter .My Daughter's see them on the roads dead & Go "Juk". but their picky feeders , I et lots on the West Coast where I trapped out of an old 'humpy' or shack.under the Karamea bluff By the Moccanui river (.Not good a Maori spelling )
Iv'e shot with proper gunpowder for 65 years never actually seen any substitutes so I ca'nt condemn it but no interest to me .I do have a strong predudice about the zip gun season cheater inlines . But since NZ dosnt HAVE Any closed seasons Deer ect being officially 'Noxious Animals '.Introduced not native 'pests' anything four legged other that the Tuatara lizards nobody minds them prehistoric fellows ,
Goverment Deer cullers where told( at least to me )" If it moves shoot if it dosn't bring it back for fire wood " There are still Govt Cullers .Paid to hunt & Ime told the Deer are winning theirs so much mountainous forests No tags no nothing. However they can 'graze at 40 miles an hour' in some areas .Well that was the jest .If you want an amuseing book read' A good keen man 'by Barry Crump 'who admittedly 'stretched the elastik in the truth department ".But it was his calling circa late 1950s /60s but the bush hasnt charged much .& it certainly inspired me .To have a go. We based in small huts baked out own bread & cooked what we fancied but heavy on Venison Stews or roast pigs .I didnt mind opossum's Ide got used to them when I trapped for fur the previous winter .My Daughter's see them on the roads dead & Go "Juk". but their picky feeders , I et lots on the West Coast where I trapped out of an old 'humpy' or shack. Under the Karamea bluff By the Moccanui river (.Not good a Māori spelling )

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