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Black bear hunting with in Montana-- HB 144

I'm willing to bet, if Colorado never had bear baiting or bear hounds as legal methods very long ago, we would still have a spring season. Instead we get to go shed hunting.
I'm willing to bet, if Colorado never had bear baiting or bear hounds as legal methods very long ago, we would still have a spring season. Instead we get to go shed hunting.

May we send you to testify against this bill? Not that people would listen, as they have their minds fixed on what is best for them, all others be damned.
And the sheep are scared...


Thanks for the segue. I was looking for sage-grouse a couple days ago, but was temporarily distracted.

Too bad there were play for me.


Alright, carry on with the bears and hounds.:D
Bear hunting with hounds to bare hunting with same gender --- Hmm
Spring can't get here too soon.
I'm sure I'm wasting my time on here, but what is a good reason based on evidence to not have some sort of season with hounds for bears? Besides the issue of not wanting to share the hills, and I'm sure most houndsman would agree that fall season would be out since most that live in Montana will want to be hunting deer & elk.

I think the hearing is tomorrow I'm sure it's a long shot and this thread will be a moot point but just curious. The cub issue is not valid since spot and stalk leaves cubs motherless. There is no study or other evidence to say this will harm the grizzly population. Birthing of calves/fawns is a non issue since spot and stalk hunting will have the same results. Trained hounds will leave off-game alone just like most trained humans will. Everyone has their own opinion on ethics, but I think if you point out one type of hunting as unethical you should be careful since all hunting is viewed as unethical by some groups.
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It would certainly impact those of us who prefer to hunt bears in a natural state- not having been chased by a pack of dogs and not being habituated to a bait. We have it great in MT. Why screw that up? No need to worry-- it will never fly.
If there was a spring hound season after the general season it would have to be after June 1st or 15th. That is also the time of year where a lot of people start hiking and enjoying summer. Public opinion isn't going to look to favorably on bear hunting if what non-hunters are most exposed to is a pack of dogs running through the forest, treeing what people consider to be a cuddly looking animal. People would walk away remembering a bunch of dogs barking up a tree at a terrified looking bear while some guys get set up to shoot it at 20 yards. Is the general public going to think about how much training it takes to get the dogs to that level? Are they going to think about the houndsman being a little selective? Or are they going to think about a bear getting shot out of a tree and how it ruined their day?

Not allowing hound hunting would not limit anybodies opportunity to go bear hunting. People who have hounds can do a spot and stalk hunt or they could go over to Idaho and use their hounds. I could see it limiting the opportunity for the majority of people who spot and stalk though, as I think it would push bears farther away from areas with decent access. I don't think it would affect me very much as my favorite bear area is a couple mile hike in and on the edge of a wilderness area with both wolves and grizzlies, but I could definitely see it affecting people in western Montana. I could also see it affecting all hunters by potentially losing a spring bear season down the road because public opinion was swayed by a few bad experiences. Why risk all of that when what Montana has going already is pretty dang awesome?
I think I screwed up in my reasoning there. By having a hound season later than the general season it probably wouldn't push bears far from the decent access points for the spot and stalk people. Otherwise, I think everything else I said was fine.
From one of the decision makers ...
Kurt - Thank you for the credible testimony. I appreciate well written notes. I will keep your note for reference when we hear this in committee, which I think will be later this week. You're right on the emails, so far running at least 5 to 1 in opposition.