Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Bison hunt comes to TV

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Some of you may have seen the ads the network is running for this episode. It is airing this week, starting tonight at 6pm and 9pm (Mountain Times).

Big thanks to Crittergetter and Lawnboy for their help on this one. It is a cool episode, for sure. Hopefully gives some insight about bison hunting and how it is that bison have become such a political football in the west.

One thing you will notice when you watch this episode is how TV impacts some of what you see, or in this case, some what you don't see, as in Lawnboy. Lawnboy joined us for the entire hunt, but he was on call for his snowplowing business. Since we thought the hunt might take three or four days and Lawnboy could have been called away at anytime, the production decision is always based on whether or not the person can stay for the entire period. Episodes get very disjointed if you have characters joining us midway through or leaving part way into it. So, even though you don't see Lawnboy in front of the camera, he was there behind the camera, acting as a great decoy when the Buffalo Field Campaign folks were trying to film our actions.

There have been other episodes where people have helped us for a day or two and they never made the episode. Just how it goes when producing TV, but wanted to make sure everyone knew what a great help Bart was on this hunt.

Brad did the best job possible trying to keep up with us while we were running through the deep snow and thick trees in pursuit of the herd. His job is way harder than ours. The audio was impacted by the tree limbs tearing a few audio cables and the early morning cold slowing down one of the audio receivers. You will see more subtitles in this episode than I would like, but such are the conditions we film under and how those conditions and frantic chases can impact the equipment we use.

If you want to read the entire story, it is at this link below.

Hope you enjoy watching it. We sure enjoyed the hunt.

So who in Bozeman is going to host the party where those of us w/o a TV can watch it? ;).
Tonight's plan is watching the show while dining on a bison cheeseburger. Admiitedly store bought bison. I spent some time at Custer State Park this spring and the biologist there called them buffalo, I like that better.

Mike r.
That was a great show Randy I can't wait for my turn here I missed it by 9 this year in the priority list.... Closest I've ever been but for about 4 hours though I was on cloud 9 day dreaming about the hunt.
Randy great show. I agree bison are not appreciated as a game animal and promoting fair chase hunting helps change perceptions. You would be amazed at the Henrys Mountain herd here in Utah. Very wild and they roam from 12,000 to 4,000 feet and traverse slopes a deer would be challenged.

I drew a cow tag in 96 for the last hunt and went home empty handed after 10 days of hard hunting. One of the best hunts I have ever had and I am starting to apply for WY and MT draws. Utah established a second herd in the Book Cliffs recently and have offered a few tags for our second wild herd. Great animals and I would love to see other states find ways to expand or establish wild herds.

Elk, Deer, Sheep and Moose have organizations dedicated to protection and promotion. We need the Wild Bison Foundation.

p.s Loved the time lapse butchering.
Great show Randy...I wouldnt worry about the sub titles.Thats one of the things I love about your shows, no sugar coatings and no excuses. You play the hand your dealt and dont dont change a thing.....:cool:
Just saw it on the dvr if the yungun will nap long enough I may get a chance to get caught up and watch it.
Great show Randy and really cool to see a real free range Bison hunt. Thank you for your decision making when you had spectators, I really appreciate it on several different levels.
Great show, we all really enjoyed it at my house and I watched it for the second time today when i was home for lunch. Congrats again on a great hunt Randy!!!
I was fortunate enough to get to watch this show and I'm really glad that I did. There aren't many other hunting shows that can match yours for production quality and values. You really try to bring home the point about hunting and conservation. Your point about bison contracting brucellosis from cattle and then being criminalized for having brucellosis was very well made.
My favorite episode of the new show.

Very, very well done and spoken. Great job Randy.

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