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Bill barring permits in MO Breaks and other districts pops up

If it passes, I say we spread the word and whack every bull that steps foot off of private property.

Elk are just overgrown grass wolves.
Sorry grew up in a time where the yellowstone elk herd was untouchable. When the moose population was thriving. Trust me found alot of moose sheds but never drew. Passing up 150 mule deer bucks was common. For me and a few others. Deer hunting public land in mt is parhetic and the elk hunting is soon to follow. Sad to see. Ya eastern, central mt is thriving for elk but what happens when the public is like the western part of yhe state. I dont know all the answers but have talked to alot of all timers, some on this site. But the only good answer is all of us. The 99% maybe its more LE units deer. Or hunting elk general every other yr. But dont care for myself. Love to get out dont care if i kill anything again but for my children. Or yours its turning for the worst.
Sorry grew up in a time where the yellowstone elk herd was untouchable. When the moose population was thriving. Trust me found alot of moose sheds but never drew. Passing up 150 mule deer bucks was common. For me and a few others. Deer hunting public land in mt is parhetic and the elk hunting is soon to follow. Sad to see. Ya eastern, central mt is thriving for elk but what happens when the public is like the western part of yhe state. I dont know all the answers but have talked to alot of all timers, some on this site. But the only good answer is all of us. The 99% maybe its more LE units deer. Or hunting elk general every other yr. But dont care for myself. Love to get out dont care if i kill anything again but for my children. Or yours its turning for the worst.
We all feel the same way.
Sorry grew up in a time where the yellowstone elk herd was untouchable. When the moose population was thriving. Trust me found alot of moose sheds but never drew. Passing up 150 mule deer bucks was common. For me and a few others. Deer hunting public land in mt is parhetic and the elk hunting is soon to follow. Sad to see. Ya eastern, central mt is thriving for elk but what happens when the public is like the western part of yhe state. I dont know all the answers but have talked to alot of all timers, some on this site. But the only good answer is all of us. The 99% maybe its more LE units deer. Or hunting elk general every other yr. But dont care for myself. Love to get out dont care if i kill anything again but for my children. Or yours its turning for the worst.
Walkalot these guys are joking about raping the LE units. Gallows humor. They’ll be fighting against this bill as hard as anyone.

But if it passes I’m applying in Montana this year and crashing the party. 😉
I have not read the bill, and knew nothing of it until Rod pointed me here(remember, I live in a vacuum). That said I oppose unlimited permits in the breaks. I would assume this is for Archery only, and not rifle? If is for rifle, as the breaks herd will be gone in 2 weeks.

I am confused about this, on the thread about 143 everyone is crying loudly about equity and fairness for the NR, even playing fields and other BS. Now when a NR might be in your favorite elk hunting spot you cry foul? If this is truly about equity and "level playing fields" why are NR's limited to "up to 10%"? Do they not own the BLM, FS, equally with all of us? Should they not be given a shot at 100% of the LE permits on public lands?? Those of you who know me will understand the point I make, those of you who don't, well don't bother me with any questions, as I will not be back on this thread.

I would have been able to contemplate a "private land only" permit in some of these areas, as a guy on the outside looking in when it comes to elk. If the private lands were hunted harder then the elk may be more apt to disperse. I would not want a "PLO" permit forever, but with a 2-4 yr sunset and review, whatever was acceptable to all concerned.
Remember I am opposed to unlimited permits, but then again I was opposed to the numbers of permits in the breaks when this started.

To me a LE permit does not mean 90% of the R hunters who apply are successful.
Also @Eric Albus on the 143 thread everyone wants fair playing field between NR!! No mention to residents. You as a resident pay taxes and support the animals within your state with those tax dollars.
I can’t wait to take my three kids that can hunt elk this fall and whack some big bulls in the Bear Paws.
Walkalot these guys are joking about raping the LE units. Gallows humor. They’ll be fighting against this bill as hard as anyone.

But if it passes I’m applying in Montana this year and crashing the party. 😉
Shit speak for yourself if this deal goes down..... I might become a newspaper article....😁
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