Caribou Gear

Biggest, Smallest, or Funkiest Sheds

Found these three all within 30 yards of eachother...Booner moose....

This wasn't but another 300 yards away...
Found this strange muley shed a few days ago. It is a 13 inch spike with a eye guard. Couldnt find the other side. Now I will have to wait to go out because of the snow.


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Someone was tellin me there are tactics used to get sheds, shed hunting for profit... where they place feed in locations that force the deer / elk to reach and get the antlers to drop... This, I take in no baiting areas would be illegal (actually maybe not as it is not baiting for hunt purposes - though maybe for feeding wildlife?, though has anyone ever run into settings that match such actions? Or is this a rare incident?
Hunting for sheds is good fun (usually with a fishing pole packed :) ) though some guy was telling me - he ran into such a setting a week ago - until then, never heard of such - though would not put it beyond some to do...

JCS, that is a wild looking hook... :) pretty awesome looking!
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Someone was tellin me there are tactics used to get sheds, shed hunting for profit... where they place feed in locations that force the deer / elk to reach and get the antlers to drop... This, I take in no baiting areas would be illegal (actually maybe not as it is not baiting for hunt purposes - though maybe for feeding wildlife?, though has anyone ever run into settings that match such actions? Or is this a rare incident?
Hunting for sheds is good fun (usually with a fishing pole packed :) ) though some guy was telling me - he ran into such a setting a week ago - until then, never heard of such - though would not put it beyond some to do...

JCS, that is a wild looking hook... :) pretty awesome looking!

There are several companies that sell a so called Antler Trap (pretty much a bucket with bungee straps attatched) so when the deer push thier heads through to feed the bungees pop the antlers off. Simple thought process wish I would have thought of it first. I personally set bungees up on one side of my horse feeder to accomplish the same thing when the deer were eating the oats out of the horse feeder and yes it does work rather well. It is quite commical to watch the deer and horse fight over position at the trough.
I know a guy that lived in Gardiner that used the feeder as his way of getting sheds. He was always fighting the elk and deer that would eat the hay. He said he finally decided to play the game and continued putting more feed in rather than always fight and chase off the elk. He said the bulls would come in and have to reach in and that he had great success getting matched sets that way. He said it was easier to finally just let them come in and then sell the sheds to recoup his costs for lost hay. If you can't beat them, join them I guess. Too bad the elk numbers in town aren't what they used too be.
WOW! Haha! That is interesting. That would be some great video - a horse and deer jockeying for position... :)

I had never run into such a device... The bungie is the same as mentioned by a friend though it was out in the nat'l forest area.Not bungie though a few runs of thick twine at each location. No danger to anyone as it was simply twine and some feed below a few small trees. Just figured it would be considered illegal - Meh, interesting. He took some pics I'll see if I can get a copy.

Simply interesting... I've never run into such on public land.

I take it a light base of snow is the ideal setting for shed hunting? Helps the sheds stand out? I have not had the time this year... Sure would like to get out soon.
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