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Biggest, Smallest, or Funkiest Sheds


Well-known member
Nov 2, 2008
Bozeman, Montana
Ok lets see some of you horn hounds treasures. Any year, any time, any species horns and skulls. Prizes for the biggest and smallest.(Just kidding this is not BAYED):D

I'll start it off with some sheds from a guy I know. Names have been changed to protect the innocent. We'll call him Fred

All photos circa 1995

Matching 7x7 set with 40" spread 390 class

The grand daddy 7. 17 pounds almost 5 inch diameter bases and official score of 193 6/8:eek:

Just a good ol fashioned nice heavy six
Well, where ever they are from I'm just glad there is a post that doesn't mention a house or senate bill of some kind.:D
I found this guy on a lawn I was mowing. It's by far the smallest one that I've found that had a browtine. He comes in at a whopping 6 inches tip to tail. "Take him he's legal":D

I wasn't aware people pick up antlers. Sure sounds like fun. Maybe I'll jump on the old 4 wheeler this weekend and go find some.
Was it you or Dink that posted the picture of the dude on a Ranger with a chair mounted on top for better visibility. That's a classic and hey if the wheelers tall enough you can clear any sagebrush that comes your way.:rolleyes:
Was it you or Dink that posted the picture of the dude on a Ranger with a chair mounted on top for better visibility.

I ran into a guy a few times that had a ladder mounted to the front of a jon boat so that he could sit on top to locate big largemouth on their beds. He even rigged it so he could control the trolling motor from his perch. I must say it worked. He caught more 10lb bass than anyone else who fished the lake.
Great 3rds on the grand daddy. No sheds to share here?, only have one piece of one side, but it's a beauty. It is a G1 and G2 up to a massive start of a 3rd. Bleached, old and broken. It must have been 10years old when I found it. Its a garden piece, that has a huge 5 inch diameter base! Its fun to imagine what it would have looked like on the hoof.
Dinkshooter and Wyodeerhunter's toothpick...aka racoon baculum bone

Correction. WDH's strapon.

Please do not post pictures of chalk. It is offensive and makes me weep with what could have been. Here is a nice set.

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Correction. WDH's strapon.

Please do not post pictures of chalk. It is offensive and makes me weep with what could have been. Here is a nice set.


Wow - that is a nice set.... right on an ATV trail too.

Some guy's get all the luck.. there should be a house bill for that...:D
Shed hunting`s for losers who don`t know how to call in turkeys...

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