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Big Sky Billies and Blunders

Good grief, what an experience.

Congratulations on a fantastic billy, and I'm glad you handled the fall so well, all things considered.

I think my favorite thing is that you never mention considering leaving the goat on the mountain and hiking out, which I think is the same as how 95%+ of folks on here would've handled it. A non-hunter would probably look at that and be bewildered why you didn't leave it and get medical attention ASAP.
QUOTE: "Since the hunt, I have had many people ask me if it was worth it. I smile back and tell them that the pain and injuries are temporary, but the goat and memories will last a lifetime. "

Ain't that the truth!

Congrats and thanks for sharing your hunt recap and pics, they brought back a lot of memories. Late season goat hunting is truly North America's greatest adventure.
Wow what an adventure! That is a truly incredible goat, his hair is amazing! Heal up quick and you'll be back out there before you know it. And don't forget to share some pictures when your trophy gets back from the taxidermist!
Congrats on getting a great goat. Sorry to hear about the fall.
Great goat and totally worth it! Falls in that country are no joke.

Side note: how did you like the glommits?