Kenetrek Boots

Big Ones (OTC, Pic Heavy)

Who has the most mounts, Greenhorn or Buzz?

Both impressive; not sure if they mount all the big ones. Might have to have second job to afford it!
MT Public land, OTC tag, mouth call, 28yds.

JCS271, Looks like flu-flu arrows there. You took down a wolf with bird points?

I wonder how many wolves have been arrowed with a long bow? Darn few I bet.
No, I always have two in the quiver for grouse. The four in the middle are broadheads.


It took me five years and god knows how many miles/stands before I got that one. Out of all my wolves, that one was the hardest by far! That hunt got a lot of attention by tradbow hunters and nobody knew of one in modern time that had been specifically used to hunt wolves. A few guys have taken them with trad gear while treestand hunting for baited bears in Canada but not on the ground specifically targeting wolves. You know what they say, even a blind squirrel.........
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A wolf with traditional archery in the modern age now that's a true once in a lifetime hunt! Thanks for sharing.
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I probably have enough fingers and toes to count the number of folks that have taken wolves with trad gear. Crazy cool!
I have a friend in AK pull off a wolf harvest with his longbow while specifically targeting them. Up until now I never heard of that feat being matched. Congrats JCS271, that is a pretty amazing accomplishment!
Cool thread. I'll play.

Big wide open public access bird country in South Dakota with my best birds dogs ever, Bonnie and Clyde. I miss them!

Sheep tag in pocket. Smiling while looking for a ram in the big, Bighorn Crags.

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2017 CO buck that rubber legged it right off a cliff after the shot.

Found most of the broken side a couple days later.


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