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BIG "O" lives.... :(

Congrats to the T man! I take it you found the phone number?
Was Warren still with or did Little O die solo?
Holy Chit that was quick! Go Tyson!
They must have still been hanging out in the same area, for him to fill his tag so fast. Congrats to the T-man.
Way to stick with a plan TBone...thanks for the update Moosie. Anxious to see the pics.
I actually got the 8 second Satalite phone call from him and it cut out. I don't think he got the Big "O" though....... By the Phone call I couldn't tell. I called his Wife after wards and know what drainage they were in and it wasn't "O"'s hangout.

All that said any legal ram is a GOOD RAM" for that country.... not like he shot it by the road in Flip-flops :D
Yea, congrats to the T man, he worked hard for it. I can't wait for some pictures of T-bones rams, and, if possable, I would like to see a picture of Draftstud waving the Big One at Moosie.
BIG congrats to Tyson! He definitely earned it. Guess I'll have to go in after Big O next year... ;)
alright now we're talking---will be good to see photos and hear the story--congrats to ya T-Bone when you get back---chris
Well I know where they are camping right now :)

They will be home tomorrow night, I'll steal a Picture from Deadeye270 or T-bone and get it up.

I have 3-4 buddies putting in next year (Deadeye270 I'm sure is one) so I'm guessing I'll be back in that country again before long :D Deadeye hunted that unit 10 years ago and wasn't sucessfull. After his attempt a couple other's attempt and T-bones 2 attempts 4 years ago I don't know why I put in there..... But T' has his Ram now so the Spell is broken :D

I hope he was wearing Flip flops on the Kill shot ;)
Awesome.... great news that he was able to connect!!!

Tagged out early... hm... ya think he found one along the trail heading in, popped it and then headed into town to hide out for a bit to make us think he packed in???? Naaa.... what was I thinking.

Congrats Tyson!!! I can not wait to see the photos from the hunt.

I forget is sheep a once in a life time for you guys like here in AZ?

Moose- I'll meet you at the top... ;) If I put in for anything next year it'll be goat. A friend and his co-worker are putting in for that unit for sheep.
If anyone ever earned or deserved a ram more than Tyson...I dont know who it is.

That country is about as tough as it gets, killing a ram there is even more impressive. Persistance paid off.

Cant wait for the photos.
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