Yeti GOBOX Collection

Big ID Bull...

To the best of my knowledge Idaho's record is 414 BC pails to the new record of 499, but think about it. All elk in the west are from re-introduction from yellowstone.
I can't get the link to work, can one of you guys paste a picture over?
All elk in the west are from re-introduction from yellowstone.

Not all elk in the west are yellowstone reinto's. Idaho had a good share of yellowstone introductions, but they don't account for all of the states elk.

As for this bull, I'm pretty familiar with the unit this bull is supposed to be out of. It does not have a large elk population, but has a great bull:cow ratio, mostly due to a general cow hunt in the unit. The general bull season is only 7 days and it is some big rugged country where the elk hang, thus the bulls that live have a good chance of reaching maturity. I did hear of a 380+ bull killed there this year with a muzzleloader, I wonder if this isn't that bull. He does look better than 380 to me though.
Apparently its actually a Utah bull. There is a picture of the bull in MM's photo gallerys as well.
Good to hear from ya John! Hows the world treatin ya. I've been up to the same old same old. Knocked down some monster blacktail and big bulls since the last time we talked. This years bull went 380 gross, my best one yet. Man what a toad. Three of the points were over 20 inches and the mains were 53 plus. :hump: How's everyone in your neck of the woods. I talked to Mark (deerslayerms) about two three months ago and he told me he had busted his elbow up pretty good but thought he could pull his bow back come huntin season. I had my shoulder rebuilt in February (slap liesion massive tear in the rotator and labrum ) all repaired then removed the bersa sack and put some studs in to hold it in place, shaved the scalpula and that thing came out perfect. great strength zero pain and still able to pull my bow back. Doc said 85% best case and I think it is 100% already. He told me a year and in six months I took my Elite Synergy in and had em turn it down to 70 pounds and went huntin. HE HE. It would have been a bummer to look at that big bull this year and just throw rocks at him left handed. If ya get a chance drop me a line and we'll catch up on some big juicy lies. 425-308-2048 ray
Man, That is great Ray! I had to come back home on opening morning to take care of family and friends as Shreveport was hit with either 21 or 27 Tornados. And I had already seen almost 125 Elk! Driving out I passed a Hunter with a 5x5 at his truck, I was heart broke. But, Family always trumps anything in my life.
I don't hunt with Mark anymore, he has a place he bought and he hunts there. He did screw his elbow up, I do remember that. Wes and I are suppose to go bust some whitetail this evening. I'll call ya real soon. John