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Big guy

These are pictures from a few weeks ago... he looked and acted pretty healthy to me. I hope he sticks around for a few more years, I sure like to shoot him with the camera.
A few more...


Good pictures, Sneakem. Though, I must say I was personally and selfishly a bit bummed to see this old guy on a hunting website. I was born and raised on a ranch just south of town and have been familiar with this bull for several years. That said, I do not believe he is in great shape. Sure he's got the gut of an old, mature bull, but I think his back withers are looking sunken and bony. His quarters don't carry the same mass as they used to and he has frankly looked wet the couple of times I've seen him this year, whereas his buddies looked to be well insulated and carrying snow on the their backs (maybe that was bad timing on my part). While his winter coat helps him look heavy, I think your photo of the three amigos demonstrates what I'm talking about.

This bull has been around a LOT longer than most people know and there were not many people that knew he existed for a few years. The rut was rough on him this year and I'm hoping his teeth and the snows will allow him to carry through to yet another summer and rut so you, me and the rest of the valley can enjoy him.

-Cody Lujan
So why can't anyone kill that big dude?

He'd have to leave his carrot pile and wander out of someone's back yard first...
He's no big secret though, people have been photographing this bull for years and his photos have been in numerous hunting publications over the years...
He'd have to leave his carrot pile and wander out of someone's back yard first...
He's no big secret though, people have been photographing this bull for years and his photos have been in numerous hunting publications over the years...

I'd love to see a picture of him rutting in someone's back yard...
I think I saw pics maybe 3 years ago, some guy taking hay to him and nearly touching his rack. That guy picked up his sheds if I remember correctly.
If he is that easy to find, lots of pics are a good thing, keep some dumb arse from shooting him and coming up a far fetched story or worse.
And sadly this was his last winter. May he rest in peace. I believe many will be shocked to learn just how old this bull was when F&G ages his teeth. I guess I'm happy thinking of how many cows he bred during his tenure...
Truly an incredible animal. He was gumming hay last winter, so I'm not surprised this was his last. I understand that he may have got caught up in a fence and that F&G put him down because he was in such bad shape. Anybody have the full scoop?

Call me crazy, but this bull or his sire with the exact antler configuration has been showing up since the mid '90s. No joke. The biggest set of sheds I know of is just over 390". I know there have been cows aged into their early 20s, but what are the chances that a bull living in an OTC unit in Colorado could pull it off??? Not very likely, but it would be incredible.
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