Byron South
New member
Here is a picture of a large tom bobcat we called in Saturday morning. I'm not as good at telling stories as some so I'll just give the details. It had been raining so I didn't get any video of the hunt, just still pictures after we closed the deal. He weighed 33 pounds. He was shot face on in the chest at about 35 yards with a 60 grn V-Max out of my AR (Archie was doing the shooting). No exit. I was using my FOXPRO call playing rabbit #4. We were set up about 200 yards from a turkey roost early in the morning as they came off the roost.These are great places to call bobcats. We detected him sneaking in at about the 7 minute mark and watched him for quit a while putting the sneak on the caller.
Congrats Archie
Good Hunting
I just love that dude.
Congrats Archie

Good Hunting