
Beyond a dream, what's your ultimate hunt?


Well-known member
Oct 14, 2016
Markesan, WI
It's off-season and app time so dreaming has been going on in a lot of minds lately I'd bet.

Impossible to happen obvious but you were just given a tag voucher that is good for any animal, any location, any month in North America. You also got 100k to cover whatever expenses may be there for it.

Where you going and what you targeting? Is it a tag that could potentially be drawn? Is it on land you can hunt?
If I was twenty years younger I’d be a Stone sheep hunt! Now I’d be another moose hunt with my son probably to the NWT Or the Yukon!
You know, I think about this often. For years I would’ve said either a multi-specie Alaska (must include Dall) hunt or multi-specie combo in BC (to include Stone sheep) would be my ultimate. Either would still be just fine with me if someone handed me the voucher. But… my focus, lately, has evolved. A post by @Greenhorn not long ago drove home the message for me. He said something like: “Isn’t the point to see what YOU can find?” (Emphasis added)

So, all that to say, these days I would absolutely lose my mind if I drew the NM Wheeler Peak ram tag and had no obligations at home that would prevent me from milking every last second out of that 10-day season. Love those heavy blonde-horned rams. I’d like to see what I could find.
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I have already been extremely blessed grateful , and lucky. Arizona desert bighorn sheep, December 2022. Kofa NWR, Unit 45C (late). 13 nonresident points.

You never know when you will hit. Apply, apply, apply. Someone has to draw. Happy hunting, TheGrayRider a/k/a Tom.
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My "dream hunt", which I've already done, was a Dall sheep hunt in Alaska back in 2009. It was my first trip to Alaska and was an awesome adventure and hunt.

I guess I'd still like to draw a sheep tag, of any species, in NM, MT, AZ, CO, but it's not something I lie awake at night thinking about.

But my main focus now is just hunting closer to home when possible, for less "exotic" game. I'm still trying to get a decent 6 pt bull with archery. And a good muley with archery. I've had my chances and blew them, dammit! So I guess I'm just trying to make up for my screwups 🤪
The only thing i truely want to do that i haven't is big moose up north. I have lived a pretty great hunting life and just hope to do it for many more years at same pace. My Yellowstone bison was my true single trophy i ever wanted or needed, rest is just gravy!