Aug 1, 2017 #21 N NYSKIER Active member Joined Jul 23, 2017 Messages 233 Give caltopo a look you can design and print pretty good maps
Aug 2, 2017 #22 A Anschutz Active member Joined Mar 2, 2017 Messages 168 I use a Nat geo map and caltopo. For caltopo I usually do a 50 or 100k overview map and then a 25k for each specific area. I overlay with UTM gridlines and put them in plastic document protectors and tape off the ends.
I use a Nat geo map and caltopo. For caltopo I usually do a 50 or 100k overview map and then a 25k for each specific area. I overlay with UTM gridlines and put them in plastic document protectors and tape off the ends.