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Best hunting forum question?

It's why I'm here. And there's other excellent contributors as well. Some of my favorites aren't here much or at all.. Tom, bcat, deerslayer, raven beauty, elkchsr -man some good ones from those & lots more like top-gun.
Wow some of those names are from way back! Back in the day on dial-up, it would take FOREVER for some pages to load because of all those stupid sig line pictures raven beauty made for folks. Didn't someone from here hook up with her once?

One of the best piss your pants funnies was when the survival advice that elkchsr was giving was outed as coming from a Girl Scouts handbook! In his world college = collage.

Remember the pictures cheese posted of that dug-out fort he built? Those were funny, as well as some of the replies.

Remember the pictures cheese posted of that dug-out fort he built? Those were funny, as well as some of the replies.

I remember him drinking pee and seeing lots of elk calf twins.
The jerky drying racks in the front room over the wood stove was a good one too...but.

The picture that created the legend of the cheese, has to be the one of the elk in Jackson.
I think Randy nuked the "survival" forum the day he took over the site. So sad. Think of all the good beast mode topics that could have been covered...


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I remember the survival tips, straight out of the Girl Scout manual. This really happened.
I vote for its reinstatement
Only if we can still access some of the old threads/posts. Pure. Comedy. Gold.

The dug out forts were legendary!

I had him over to my house once when I was living in Utah. After leaving my wife tried to make a rule that no more hunttalkers were allowed to know where we, more specifically her, lived. :D
Yep cyber bullying was big fun back in the day for the cool kids club.:cool::)
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I had him over to my house once when I was living in Utah. After leaving my wife tried to make a rule that no more hunttalkers were allowed to know where we, more specifically her, lived. :D

You actually had elk cheese in your house? Freaky. Way scarier than waving a pocket knife at a cub in a tree.
Remember that Thumper dude?

He was always about to kick someone's butt, had just got done kicking someone's butt or thinking about kicking someone's butt.
You actually had elk cheese in your house? Freaky. Way scarier than waving a pocket knife at a cub in a tree.
Yep! :D Upon leaving at about 10pm he offered to climb the tree in my front yard and top it for me as he said it was diseased. I declined as I didn't think the neighbors would like the chainsaw noise at that hour. Yes, he had one in his pickup.
Wait a minute, somewhere in this thread i missed how much hold over at 1268 yrds with my custom 342 weatherby wildcat, 17.5 mph quartering crosswind, 1400 lb, 365 inch elk, cross canyon shot. What , no help. Oh, I forgot what about corealis?

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