
Best Bullet for Sheep hunting

Moosie - my experience with 150 gr Sierras is that they are not too tough. At least, they used to shed their jackets a lot, and that was from a .30-06 at about 2900-3000 FPS. It also happened with 100 gr in a .25-06 - blew apart on impact with a buck antelope's shoulder. Made a nasty wound and a long chase... :(

The 150 gr "should" work fine on a sheep at any decent range - I don't think you'll jump one at 50 yards.
Is with the rifle that you somehow appropriated at the deerstalkers dinner, yeah yeah I know it was a raffle,and didn't wylie win a shottie Mmm ;) , it doesn't seem to shoot as well as your old one
LOL KIWI.. and Yes, It was the Gun. I'm really wondering about the Raffle though, I won the Rifle and then they talked me into being President of Deer Hunters of Idahop.. and Wylee won the Shotgun and I talked him into being MY Fidh and game Contact coordinator. I thnk it was a Unconsious bribe ;)

HEll Kiwi, We can't all shoot as good as the Kiwi's and their pre civil war muskets:p
LOL, Post Civil war Oscar not pre, and nothing wrong with my 27/303 Lee Enfield anyway, that keyholing effect I get is just to make a bigger hole in the animals :D :D

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