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Best broadhead for elk?

Born and Raised outdoors did a fantastic set of tests in 2019 and they even published their data so you can sort and decide what is best based on your preferences.

I rate accuracy/consistency high for me because a well placed shot is more important to me. I use replaceable blades. Super sharp and replace them for a fraction the cost.
Edit: Found it in the last video in that link

Did they have a ranking for an accuracy test? I didn't see one in the video
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Assuming I draw an elk tag this year we will hunting with archery gear. Not trying to open a can of worms or start a debate on brands necessarily. Just looking for general direction on good broadheads. Want to stay away from mechanical. Have always used 100gr wasp and muzzy 3 and 4 blade with good luck on whitetail, but I'm open to go a different route for elk. Something a little tougher may be necessary?
I use g5 montecs 125 grain. I've always had pass throughs not overly impressed with blood trails from them but animals have always been down within 150 yards. I also build and tune my own arrows I shoot a 532 grain easton axis 5mm with a 300 grain spine and my foc is at 13.5%. There are so many good cut on contact fixed heads on the market these days it really boils down to personal preference just make sure your arrows behind the heads are heavy enough I like to see 500+ grains with a 13-15% foc
Born and Raised outdoors did a fantastic set of tests in 2019 and they even published their data so you can sort and decide what is best based on your preferences.

I rate accuracy/consistency high for me because a well placed shot is more important to me. I use replaceable blades. Super sharp and replace them for a fraction the cost.
It’s great to have Born and Raised do the work that gives us a lot of great info that we probably can’t afford to do.
Tooth of the arrow 1in
Born and Raised test rates them high up there
Ive seen them shoot through the length of a whitetail and a mule deer
Accuracy is the real wow factor with these heads
They shoot 8ins higher then field points at 100yards
I have used 100gr Slick Tricks. They fly great for me. I have not been the happiest with the blood trail though. But I have shot a 6x5 bull, a cow elk, and a few other bucks and does and they have all died fast with one arrow. Just not much of a blood trail.
Every elk I've killed has been with a Rage 2-blade Hypodermic, 100 gr. But as with any broadhead or bullet for any animal, it boils down to what works best with your setup and above all SHOT PLACEMENT.
Have you tried the No Collars yet? I’ve never shot big game with mechanical, but I’d like to hear firsthand exp on shooting with a collar for however long, how many discrepancies you may have encountered, and the switch to NC and any differences you may have encountered between the two…
Caribou Gear

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