best bird yet!!!


Dec 11, 2000
yep , i got my best turkey to date this year on opening day in kentucky! 23 1/2 lb eastern with an 11 1/4" beard and 1" spurs

the weather was unseasonably hot and the birds werent really doing much ( so i was told )i tried to roost a few birds sun. evening before the opening day with no success, being a little discouraged because i didnt see anything and hadnt heard anything encourageing from my buddies or the birds, i decided to hunt an area that has historically been a great place an i knew right where to go.I got to my cedar tree which is situated in a small clump of trees in the middle of an corn fied at 4:55 a.m. and was all ready to go by 5:00. my stategy was to try to locate a bird before daylight by listening to hear one gobble from the roost and then try to close the gap and set-up! and try to call him in, at 5:20 the excitement filled the air with the sound of a gobblers gobbling from the roost! I had three birds within 200 yrds of each other blow-up and gobble at damn near the same time and they seemed to surround me, typically i would try to get as close as possible to the bird gobbling and set-up for fly down, well with three birds all gobbling i wasnt sure what to do! so i crawled out of my hiding place and placed two decoys out in front of me in the field 1-hen and a jake! when the sun started to rise and the tree lines became more visible i was like a kid at christmas waiting to rip open presents but not wanting to spook or screw-up everything i waited to start callin, about 45 seconds later i couldnt stand it anymore and softly tree yelped! ....nothin ! so i waited a few more minutes and did it again and BAM !!! GOBBLE,GOBBLE! my heart beat went into overdrive and the game was on:D after that everytime i touched the call he blew-up in a gobble! which seemed to get louder and louder, knowing i had his interest i continued until i saw his head comming up over a small rise in the field.I immediatly rasied my binos and confirmed that it was a very nice gobbler and he was commin if youve ever seen a turkey comming in like that ,they tend to lower there heads a bit and the closer he got ,that beard appeared to be draggin the ground and bouncing away from his chest that i was haveng to calm myself down.The turkey didnt waste anytime once he saw the decoys and began strutting back n' forth gobbling the whole time! and man, if youve never turkey hunted lemme tell ya thats what its all about right there! im not sure who was more excited me or that "tom" but after watching an absolutely awesome show i knew it was time, i clucked one time he streched his neck out and raised his head and well 18 yrds , a 12ga w/3" no.5's put that bird on the ground! knowing it was a very nice bird i quickly got to him and when i got there he seemd so much bigger than when he was in front of me strutting around! needless to say i was the happiest turkey hunter in kentucky having harvested the best bird that i have ever taken! and doing it in the first ten minutes of the spring season was also pretty nice :D i was real lucky and damn proud of this bird!

ther rest of the hunt was also pretty fun and exciting but ill have to tell those stories later, pictures comming soon!!!!!:D
Congratulations DKO
HEY DKO, You said

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> ther rest of the hunt was also pretty fun and exciting but ill have to tell those stories later <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

HAHA, I've been hunting with you before.. When you said it was fun, I'm sure that is an understatement !!!!! HAHA

DID anyone else score on birds up there, or were you the only one hunting ?
Good going!!!
My cousin got one smaller, it was 21lbs and had a nine inch beard. I got one, but the beard is about four inches over all. That includes the piece that came out of the inside. I was thinking of carving skin and feathers down to his butt. But decided maybe next season on that one. Congrats again... :D
ya Oscar you know me to well! we did have a alot of fun and we did get a few other birds! the next best hunt was with the landowner who had never taken a turkey in his life! hard to believe grown up and hunted there his whole life just never got into hunting turkies until now!:D

i tired last year with no success to get Johhny a bird but things just didnt happen for us! but this year was a little different after hearing alot of birds in the area where i had killed mine i thought lets try it again! so we repeated the same thing i had done on opening morning but we heard no birds at all ,being a little discouraged and impatient cause hes not a turkey hunters hes a farmer ,Johhny was ready to go.I talked him into giving it a few more minutes but nothing! so as we are leaving to look at some new ground we top a small rise and what do we see in front of us turkies!!! now i immediately hit the dirt , now Johhny is a pretty big man 300lb + so he wasnt so quick to get down and busted we had the birds running everywhere so we backed out and quickly as possible made it into a woodline along the same pasture moving quickly on a dim logging road we tried to play catch-up and to my amazement as were hustling along i see a bird cross the logging road ahead of us! again i hit the dirt and Johhny sees this and takes cover.Knowing i had my work cut-out for us trying to call one of these birds back to us! i started cutting real aggressively and was just rippin on the call when i could see a bird take interest and start to head our way.After a few seconds he materialized in front of us at about 60yrds as he got close i knew it wasnt the long beard i was hopeing for but it was a legal jake with a 5" beard and bumps for spurs! he slowly worked towards us ,and we just let him come i never tried to call again and within seconds we were standing over Johhnies first eastern turkey! :D
finally got pics to go with the stories!!!!

this was our opening spring gobbler in fla. we killed 6 osceollas opening weekend here are three of those birds!

This is the landowner from the second story!

this is my best bird to date! its kinda funny looking cause its all wet!
Are... Are those PECKS sticking out of your Shirt. You bulking up
?!?! I mean, Uhhhh Good going on the bird Dean !!!! :D :D ..
Great story and nice pic's, I can see the beard on yours, and can tell it's a nice beard, Even wet it's a good looking bird. Thanks for sharing DKO


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 05-29-2002 14:23: Message edited by: Reddoggie1 ]</font>
thanks all! opening weekend was awesome we ended up killing six birds total the pic was the first morning hunt! Johhnies birds were a fluke and mine was pure luck!
:D but like i always say : id rahter be "lucky" than "good" anyday! ;)

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