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Best and worst hunting/outdoor writers

I'm a waterfowl guy at heart. I'd have to go with Nash Buckingham, E Donnal Thomas and Gordon MacQuarrie for favorites.
jack o'connor
elmer keith
jim corbett
frank flowers
russell annabel
peter capstick
robert raurk
gary paulsen

l don'i care for frederick selous's style, incredibly cool guy though.
not a fan of ron spomers writing, l do enjoy his videos.
any of the duck commanders writing is junk.
mostly if l don't like someones writing l don't bother remembering their name.
I’ll add Charley Waterman, John Barsness and Keith Macafferty to the A list. Tom Davis writes wonderful upland stories. And, of course, Gene Hill. Some of his stuff is variations on a theme, but his dog stories alway bring a tear.

Never could understand the love for Nash Buckingham.
Macafferty is good. I had forgotten about him, had to dig up a few old F&S articles after I saw his name here.
Bob Milek wrote about handgun hunting and wildcatting with the XP-100. E Donnel Thomas writing about traditional archery. Thomas is a Montana resident and Milek was from Wyoming. Also enjoyed Fred Bears adventures written up in his book "Fred Bears field notes".
Was getting worried that it took so long for Faulkner and Ruark to get mentioned, but its a crying shame Col. Tom Kelly hasn't been mentioned yet. Better On a Rising Tide is right up there with The Old Man and The Boy and Big Woods.
Great thread here! Lotsa great new names to check out and re-read some old ones.
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Bob Milek wrote about handgun hunting and wildcatting with the XP-100. E Donnel Thomas writing about traditional archery. Thomas is a Montana resident and Milek was from Wyoming. Also enjoyed Fred Bears adventures written up in his book "Fred Bears field notes".
One of Bob Milek’s articles triggered an infatuation I have with S&W M629s.
Just before I read this tread I happened to notice that Thomas McIntyre, a fairly prolific writer from Sheridan, WY, passed away yesterday (Nov. 3).

I like the material that Wayne Van Zwoll and Jim Carmichel produced.

Sad to hear about McIntyre. His book Dreaming the Lion is excellent.
I won’t lie. Steven Rinella pains a very vivid picture for you when he writes a book. I first bought American Buffalo on ebook. I swear I’ve hunted that unit before after he describes the detail of everything (never stepped foot in Alaska). I ended up buying an addl 5 or so ebooks from him along with a paper back book.

There’s hunters, and then there’s hunters who are English majors. Those English majors, although it may or may not have anything to do with it, know how to write a damn good book.
If going by liking well enough to purchase their writings...

Jack O'Connor

Charlie Waterman

Micheal McIntosh

Guy de Valdene

Dwight Schuh

And few others

Generally, if I do not enjoy someone's writing, I don't spend much time wading thru it. I will say I was not a Boddington fan even before the Killing of the Lamb.
Back when I started to become aware of things related to outdoors, there was some great independent outdoor blogs in that wild and wooly and still young internet.

The Bull Moose Gazette - written by the late Ron Moody

I recall @Ben Lamb writing on the Montana Bully Pulpit as well

I'm missing a bunch. Those were chiefly Montana-related. There used to be a very small but rich Montana blogosphere out there. I miss it.

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