Best .270 Ammunition

I'm going to put this out there for last of the Mohicans. Like someone else said talking about elk there is a big difference between a cow elk and a bull elk only about 300 to 400 more pounds of bone and muscle for a bullet too rip through on a bull. 130 -150 grain is very light for a mature bull elk. I want you to think about this... and I wish to god that I would've thought about this myself a few years ago. When you see the pros on T.V. doing there thing taking an elk how many you see using a 270?????? That's right a very, very low percentage. They always use a 160 grain and heavier most use 180 -200 grains and most use a 30 caliber .308, 300 win mag etc. You think they might know something or just like me they been there and done that and never again. If that doesn't make the light bulb come on then I don't know what else to say. IF you don't like the recoil of the 300 mag get a muzzle break or a use a nice butt pad. I never used a 30 cal. because I was afraid of the recoil but a nice pad on the stock took care of that and its not bad at all to shoot. I was like what the hell was I thinking should've done that a long time ago.
If you can't kill an elk, ANY elk with a .270, you should stay under the porch. mtmuley
When I was quite a bit younger, one of the most successful elk hunters I knew used a 270 Win loaded with 130 gr Nosler Partitions. Based on what I read on the internet, that combination probably wouldn’t work today. 😀
Hi everyone,

Just got myself a .270 for elk/deer. I was wondering what everyone recommends for ammo for Elk hunting. I am planning a trip to Idaho in 2021 and want to make sure I find the best round to make sure I can bring one home. This will be my first time elk hunting so I am curious to know what you all have to say. Thanks.

The 150 gr, Nosler Partition's ,150 gr Norma Oryx's or the 150 gr Swift A Frames have all worked very well in our family ( Bull and Cow )

Congratulations on the new rifle. What did you purchase ? And good luck to you on your upcoming Elk hunt in Idaho. Your going to love Elk hunting and Idaho.
Use the 270 to deer hunt with and leave it in the closet for the elk.. go buy something else that will push a heavier bullet for the elk.. been there and done that never again. I now have a 300 win mag.
I'm sure thousands upon thousand of elk are killed every year using the good old .270. I guess somebody forgot to tell them it won't work. Also shooting them in the shoulder like you said in you other post will result in a lot of ruined meat. A lung shot is far better than a shoulder shot if it can be taken.
I'm sure thousands upon thousand of elk are killed every year using the good old .270. I guess somebody forgot to tell them it won't work. Also shooting them in the shoulder like you said in you other post will result in a lot of ruined meat. A lung shot is far better than a shoulder shot if it can be taken.
yeah lot wounded up elk that run off and die also better hope for that perfect heart shot on a big mature bull and in the real world perfect shot placement isn't always going to happen. Just my opinion a 270 is a awesome deer rifle but not so great for elk and personally for me its going to stay in the closet on elk hunts and the 300 win mag will be coming out with a 180-200 grain bullet but hey each to his own but when it goes south with that 270 don't say I didn't tell you so.
You got me. mtmuley
I'm not trying to be a smart butt but come on man..You got new guys to elk hunting and you got people telling them to use 130 grain to 150 grain bullets when lot of them will be going after a big mature bull . that's a mix for complete disaster. I got you??...really the pros know a heavier grain bullet will always make a better elk round just that simple.
Trollin? If not, you have a lot to learn. mtmuley
How in the world am I trolling??? I'm just trying to save some new guys out there from making some bad choices. All I'm telling the new guys is just to look at what the pros use and it sure isn't a light caliber loaded with a dang 130 grain. Yes a 270 will kill a elk with good shot placement but should it be the first choice for a elk hunter ..heck no it shouldn't!!! I'm just asking them to re think it and use a 30 caliber loaded with a heavier grain bullet because its a much better elk round just like the pros do. I personally made that light bullet mistake it will never happen again. I use to be a hardcore 270 guy and still am for deer but let me know when you see one of the go hunt guys film an elk hunt with a 270 loaded in a 130 grain..I will be waiting!!!
Always use light bullets they shoot fast and expand awesome and wont blow apart. leave the bigger calibers sitting in the gun cabinet because they are terrible for elk hunting . I'm just a big dummy
Always use light bullets they shoot fast and expand awesome and wont blow apart. leave the bigger calibers sitting in the gun cabinet because they are terrible for elk hunting . I'm just a big dummy
How many elk kills? mtmuley
This is actually quite true with monolithic bullets.. Have you used them?
I'm always open to new ideas and yes I do some reloading but no one is going to talk me into going back to a 270 for elk hunting and using anything lighter than 165 grain not going to happen, I don't care make fun of me or what ever . yes I've been out west and elk hunted and obviously it didn't go well for me.
I'm always open to new ideas and yes I do some reloading but no one is going to talk me into going back to a 270 for elk hunting and using anything lighter than 165 grain not going to happen, I don't care make fun of me or what ever . yes I've been out west and elk hunted and obviously it didn't go well for me.
How many elk kills? mtmuley

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