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Ben's 2023 Semi-Live Hunt Log

Sunday afternoon I drove out by my parents' to hunt in a spot I have hunted many times in the past. It was the same stand where I had a face to face with the group of bucks that I wrote about a few weeks ago.

Of course, I get there and realize I don't have my harness and I don't have my binos and range finder. I do have my saddle though so I used that in the tree stand. And I have ranged every shooting lane in that tree so I wasn't too worried about that. But not having my binos was pretty rough. I like to spend time looking through them and I definitely like seeing deer before they get close.

As I was climbing into my stand I saw a big bodied deer about 200 yards away on the next property over, but I lost him for a second and I assumed he was bedded down over there somewhere.

It was very still and very quiet for about and hour and a half, but then I noticed he was on his feet again, and then I saw that he was running off other deer. One went to the south and another went north. The one who went north crossed the creek and started to the East and got out in front of my about 80 yards. He was in a little thicket of willows or box elders and I could just make out his antlers.

He stopped for a while and I thought maybe he bedded down, but all of a sudden he started stomping back and forth in the thicket and then he ran about 20 yards north out into the open and just stared to the north east.

I looked out that direction and see another deer cross the road and the hayfield and come into the CRP at the same time this buck by me runs east and I can't see great but it looks like they are going to meet out in the middle of the CRP.

My view of this was limited by several tree trunks, but I didn't see anything come into view going south or east. So I lightly tinkled my rattling horns together and waited.

It was now about sunset and I was sorta hoping that it would come together but also hoping it wouldn't because I didn't want to deal with a down deer in the dark on a Sunday. But then why would I go hunting on a Sunday afternoon if I wasn't willing to take a shot, right?

This is where having my binos would have helped. I would have liked to get a better look at these deer, but I told myself that if one of them came my way I was going to shoot. This might have been a reaction to having passed on shots in Ohio and then not getting better opportunities. It probably was.

Well, sure enough one of the bucks is coming my way along the mowed path that will put him at 20 yards right as he comes out from behind the tree trunks on my right. I get ready and stop him thinking that his antlers looked good enough and let the arrow go.


In the picture above, the buck was at the red dot and he ran about 40 yard to edge of the willows or box elders by the green dot. Those are the same willows that a buck had been stomping around in and to the upper left you can see the green hayfield the other buck had come charging across.

I call him the Tenderloin buck because I got incredibly lucky in that I shot back and high, basically skewering his tenderloins and slicing a vein or artery that killed him in a minute or two. If it had been lower it would have been a gut shot and I would have had a hard time recovering him.


The arrow had red blood and a lot of fat on it. Very little blood trail. It was fortunate I saw where he fell over.


That's as he lay with his head held up by a little sapling.


He is probably a 2.5 year old with 7 points. If I had had time to look at him through my binos I might have passed, but I was very much caught up in the story I was telling myself that this buck had been cruising and I had been able to bring him my way with the antler noise. Also I just bought a new meat grinder and I felt like I needed some meat to work on. I'm pretty happy with the way it all worked out and was on cloud 9 while I drove my venison Uber home. I'm sure I will get out hunting more this fall, but I don't think I'll shoot another deer. Need a duck and a goose to complete my slam, and of course I'd love to get another turkey this year.
Next up is a waterfowl hunt with a buddy of mine. I was hoping to get him his first archery deer this year, but there are geese that came in last week by him and they need to be thinned out.

Also he has a chance to hunt deer with a shotgun in southern IL in a week so he's less worried about getting an arrow in one right now. Updates to come.
Waterfowl hunting started out pretty good as we had 4 ducks land just to the left of our spread and then 6 more land to the right, but this was all before legal shooting light. Just after legal shooting light we had 2 fly right in front of us from left to right, but we were both waiting for the other one to lift their gun and fire. They landed with the group to our right.

ABout 15 minutes later the ducks spooked and started getting up, but most of them flew to our right with no shots presented and the ones to our left were in range for me. I shot twice and one fell. I should have run out and got it right away but the ducks were still circling so I sat tight hoping we would get more shots. We didn't.

As I went out to get my duck, it slipped under the water and I never saw it again... I hate to have a lost duck and I spent a decent amount of time trying to find it, but it just disappeared...

The rest of the morning was pretty slow. It didn't help that my 5-6 year old waders that have been extensively patched were leaking again, right over the top of the right boot. I spent the entire time with a boot full of water. Luckily it was in the high 40s to mid 50s so I wasn't miserable.

I was hoping to get another year out of those waders, but since I will definitely be hunting ducks and gees again this year and it will likely be much colder, they went in the garbage and I bought new ones. My old ones were a little short for me and I think that stretched the seams a lot. So I bought a new pair that is plenty big for me. And they were on sale.

Next up is probably a solo bow hunt (hopefully for turkeys) out by my parents on the Monday after Thanksgiving. Plenty more hunting for me this season.
Waterfowl hunting started out pretty good as we had 4 ducks land just to the left of our spread and then 6 more land to the right, but this was all before legal shooting light. Just after legal shooting light we had 2 fly right in front of us from left to right, but we were both waiting for the other one to lift their gun and fire. They landed with the group to our right.

ABout 15 minutes later the ducks spooked and started getting up, but most of them flew to our right with no shots presented and the ones to our left were in range for me. I shot twice and one fell. I should have run out and got it right away but the ducks were still circling so I sat tight hoping we would get more shots. We didn't.

As I went out to get my duck, it slipped under the water and I never saw it again... I hate to have a lost duck and I spent a decent amount of time trying to find it, but it just disappeared...

The rest of the morning was pretty slow. It didn't help that my 5-6 year old waders that have been extensively patched were leaking again, right over the top of the right boot. I spent the entire time with a boot full of water. Luckily it was in the high 40s to mid 50s so I wasn't miserable.

I was hoping to get another year out of those waders, but since I will definitely be hunting ducks and gees again this year and it will likely be much colder, they went in the garbage and I bought new ones. My old ones were a little short for me and I think that stretched the seams a lot. So I bought a new pair that is plenty big for me. And they were on sale.

Next up is probably a solo bow hunt (hopefully for turkeys) out by my parents on the Monday after Thanksgiving. Plenty more hunting for me this season.

If your waders aren't leaking then you're not really duck hunting.
One of my goals this season was to get my duck hunting buddy his first buck and/or any deer with a bow. He has shot does before with a shotgun, but he is new to archery and he has never shot a buck.

I took him out with our bows early in the season and got him up in a tree stand for the first time. He was pretty happy with that and he's looking for a saddle set up for Black Friday.

Well he had an opportunity to go down to Southern Illinois to do some shotgun hunting and I lent him my saddle, platform and climbing sticks and he got it done on a nice buck.


I'm going to call that mission accomplished on one of my goals for the season. I wasn't there for the hunt but I'm sure he and I will get out for some archery hunts next season together and we'll get out for some waterfowl together yet this season.

My next hunt is probably the Monday after Thanksgiving. So I'll post more after that.
I usually like to go out for a hunt sometime during Thanksgiving weekend, but instead we took an overnight trip to Champaign-Urbana to watch the Illini confirm the bowl ineligibility. It was a good family trip regardless of the game.

Since I have a few days of vacation to burn, I am going out tomorrow. Going to a State Park that I have a second firearm season tag for so I can do a little scouting. That season doesn't start until next weekend, but I am taking a new hunter out for his second hunt ever and I would like to get the lay of the land so he can have a decent chance at seeing deer and hopefully laying one down.

So that is my plan for the morning. and then around noon I want to head back near my parents and hunt the woods where I got my spring turkey. Ideally I will get on some turkeys with my bow, but if a monster buck walks by he might find that I have shared an arrow with him.

Either way, I will have an update about that hunt.
I did not get up early to be in a spot before first light. Instead, I got up at my normal time to help get my teenager out of bed and then I finished packing the car and getting all my hunting clothes on and after I took my other teenager to her middle school I hit the road.

I really just wanted to do some scouting at the state park and I figured if I got there around 11 it would be less likely to mess up someone else's hunt if they were in the spot I wanted to check out.

As it turns out there was no one there. But there was fresh snow on the ground so it was revealing where the fresh tracks were.

I ended up changing my thoughts on where I want to set up on Friday. I kinda have two ideas now and the A plan is a little daunting in terms of the incline that we would have to drag a deer up out of in the most ideal situation. Of course, there is always the chance that a deer would run down into the bottom of the ravine, no matter where we set up. The B plan is on more of a bench and might be better for extraction, but I'm not sure that it is as heavily trafficked... might be a gamey decision.

After that was done, I drove back near my parents house to set up in the woods where I shot my spring turkey. Right away I was seeing turkey sign everywhere in the snow.


I had an idea in my head about where I wanted to set up, in the corner of the L for those of you have been following along, but I almost stopped up short right where I entered the woods because there was so much sign.

I ended up slowly still hunting my way to the corner and got set up with a screen blind at the base of a big oak tree. I had a pretty good view to the north and the west, but I didn't see anything moving.

after about 30 minutes I did some calling and didn't get a response. And maybe 20 minutes later I did a little rattling with my antlers but I stopped short when I saw a doe running out of the woods to the west. I don't think I spooked it because it was running before it came into view from the north leg of the L.

Then I heard turkey noises in that portion of the woods, which is down hill from me so I couldn't see anything. But all of a sudden 4 turkeys flew up into the trees. For the next hour I watched them and then they pitched down to the north. I think there might have been another predator on the prowl in that section of the woods, but I never saw it.

about an hour before sunset, I hear turkeys back to the east and I see a whole flock coming out of the trees back by where I entered the woods... They worked across the picked field to the north of me, about 100-200 yards out.


There were about 30 of them and I watched them hoping that they would come back towards me to roost, but instead they flew over the creek to the north and roosted in those trees about 400-500 yards from me. I kinda wish I would have set up back by that sign, those turkeys might have worked right past me... Would, coulda, shoulda.

I did see a few deer out and around, including an interesting buck on the south side of the woods tending a doe. I heard him grunt several times, but he was not interested in antlers or grunts.

On the plus side, I got a nice look at the rising moon as I was getting ready to hike back to my truck.


That spot will be good to hunt several more times this winter, but my next hunt will be the firearm season at the state park on Friday. Hopefully my buddy can shoot his first deer.
Friday's hunt was good in that I had some fellowship time with a friend who is an adult-onset hunter. He's in his 40s and wants to hunt but he also has 4 kids all under 10.

We went out last December once and this was his second time hunting. I thought we had a pretty good chance of seeing deer and I was even optimistic that he could shoot at one. Sadly no deer were seen.

We got up in a tree in the morning, which was a new experience for him. and then after lunch back at the truck we hiked around a little looking for a better spot for the evening.

We saw a lot of sign and I was able to teach him about scrapes and rubs and tracks. We had a few good spots to choose from and went with a ground hide at a pinch point where a wooded ravine opened up to a picked soybean field. We saw a murder of crows about 40 strong and we saw a bald eagle, but no deer came out of the woods...

I'm going to try to get him on a bow in the off-season since the archery season is longer and we could find more dates to get out next year with archery gear.

Then on Saturday I had a ladder mishap while hanging Christmas lights. I must not have had the extension cleats properly seated and that caused the two sections to slip just enough that it caught my left hand ring finger between them. This was about 2:45 and even though we were at the ER with 45 minutes (probably less time) I wasn't stitched up and released until after 9...

So now I'm on the couch with my left hand only marginally useful. I'm curious if I will be able to do any more hunting. I'd like to think that it will heal up before too long and I'm a righty so I should be able to pull my bow or the trigger on my shotgun, but
I guess we'll see how it goes. Sure is uncomfortable now.
I went to see the hand surgeon today. He inspected the stitches put in by the ER guy and proclaimed them good. I'll go back on Dec 14 to have the stitches removed. I am cautiously optimistic that I can get out for a few more hunts before the middle go January.

I cleaned my shotgun from being out in the snow Friday. Cycled the pump action a few times and didn't get any pain in my finger, so maybe I can figure out how to enjoy a waterfowl hunt this weekend. Not sure how to fit my left hand into gloves with the way my ring finger is wrapped right now...
The stitches are out and the doc said I can't do anything to make it worse aside from the same type of accident. So my hunting season is back on. I'm headed out Saturday morning for a waterfowl hunt. If I can get a duck and a goose I will have completed my season slam. It will be my only chance this season for a duck so I'm going to try my hardest.
The stitches are out and the doc said I can't do anything to make it worse aside from the same type of accident. So my hunting season is back on. I'm headed out Saturday morning for a waterfowl hunt. If I can get a duck and a goose I will have completed my season slam. It will be my only chance this season for a duck so I'm going to try my hardest.
Haven't hunted ducks in a few years. I've been thinking about picking it up again next year.
I ended up hunting alone this morning. My buddy had a funeral he had to go to. He certainly didn't miss much in terms of the hunt.

I had about 10 ducks circling around at first light, but they ended up landing to the east of me. Then I had 1 come in and I shot at it and thought I brought it down, but when I stood up to see where it landed it was nowhere. So either it landed in some cattails or it wasn't actually hit and landed and swam out of sight...

I ended up wasting some shells on a high flyer later, but other than that there was not much action. I saw 5 different geese but none of them were close. There was a lot of shooting going on to the east and west and south of me, but veery little bird movement my way.

I did see a couple of swans, which I have never seen in the wild before.

I might get out for some geese before the season is out, but duck season is over for me.

Next outing is Thursday. I'll be out with my bow. Be nice to get an arrow in a turkey but honestly I'll just be happy to be getting out. My brother and nephew are visiting from Sweden and I might take them out with me to sit in the woods.
I went out yesterday with my nephew. We were out in the morning in a spot where I have shot 3 deer. It was where I saw the turkey sign a few posts ago. I was really hoping we would see turkeys and deer but mostly I was looking forward to hanging out with my nephew. He lives in Sweden so I haven't had a lot of time to spend with him in his life.


Up before the sun and out in the cold with a smile like that. Gotta love it. He came along on a fall turkey hunt with me and his dad about 8 years ago. That was a successful hunt in that his dad shot a turkey. I forgot my shotgun that morning...

We heard a bunch of turkeys when the sun came up, but they flew down and headed north. We could see them about 1/4 mile from us, and figured they would be there for a while so we headed back to my parents house to take a nap before lunch.

When we got there, his mom and sister informed us that on their walk that morning they had seen some turkeys.


This is about 3 blocks west of my parents' house...
I think this might be the first season that their little town has had turkeys in the village limits.

We helped my dad move some couches and then my brother and my nephew joined me for an afternoon hunt.
We went back to pretty much the same place and by now the turkeys had worked back to the south and were within 200 yards. Sadly they stayed out that far for 2 hours and went off to the west before they posted for the night.
But it made for a nice show to watch. At one point a nice looking buck walked through the flock. I grunted and rattled a little and he stopped to stare across the field for a while, but didn't come closer.

Just a little later we had a couple does sneak up behind us. They stared at us for a while before bounding off to the west. All in all it was a great day, and at raw end of it, my nephew asked when we could go out again. Music to my ears. Next outing will be on the 27th. Maybe I'll actually get a shot at something. I do know that on the 29th when they come to my house he wants to shoot a bow at a target and he wants to eat some venison.
I went out on the 27th with my brother and nephew. We watched the turkeys fly down and head north and decided to go back to my parents house for late breakfast and naps.

After lunch we my nephew and I went back out and played the northeast wind by setting up in the southwest corner of the woods. This was more of a play to see deer as we were pretty sure all the turkeys were north of the creek.

There were some very promising tracks crossing the field and we thought we got in without bumping anything, so our hopes were pretty high, but all we saw were squirrels. It was a little bit of a let down for my nephew, but both he and I were very happy to have spent the time together in the woods.

He is 17 and in Sweden they do more of a team hunting approach. He has gone out with his grandpa to hunt Moose, but it has been a number of years since he was able too. Also, he was very interested in my bow and archery in general. Bow hunting isn't legal in Sweden yet, but he was able to shoot one of my bows in the backyard before they left and I think in a couple years he will be making a trip to the states to go hunting with me with tags in his pocket. I look forward to that.

Before his family flew out, I made a big meal of venison Wellington, which they all enjoyed and I used most of a back strap.

I will probably only go out one more time this season. January 6th or 7th, and I am feeling a strong urge to put an arrow through another deer. I do have most of a deer and part of another, but I want to eat more venison in 2024, so I should probably get it in the freezer while I can.
I had a nice hunt on Saturday with some unexpected snow on the ground. I love being out when there is snow on the ground.

Had a lot of turkey noise by the creek and I needed up getting as close to the creek as I could, in hopes that the turkeys would come up into the woods at some point.

At about 11 am I had a group of 4 bucks enter the woods and I watched them for about 30 minutes until they decided to head west. One was a nice looking 10 point and there was a decent 8 point and 2 forkies.

No other action for the day. It was a decent end to the season. I have no complaints. I'll start up my 2024 thread in the next month or so, probably start off with a coyote hunt or two in February/March.
I know I said this thread was wrapped up, but this story involves the killing of an animal and I don't think I want to "start" my 2024 thread this this story.

Technically my 2023 archery deer and turkey tags are still valid until tomorrow, but I knew I needed to stop early because I had to do a colonoscopy ( I was 6 months overdue) and Friday Jan 12 was the day that I got.

Technically, I could be out hunting today or tomorrow but I have had internal bleeding issues in the past and I don't want to be out in the subzero temps in a tree and pass out due to blood loss...

I have also had trouble with the prep process for a colonoscopy so they put me on 2 days of clear liquid diet. So here I am on Friday morning, starting to drink the second half of my prep. I haven't eaten any solid food in 2 days and I am on the verge of needing to use the bathroom at any second (if you know you know). I notice a scratching nose at the basement door (it's right by my desk). I look over and see one of the cats by the door and think it is probably just him scratching. But then I see he is just staring intently at the door.

I can't see what it is through the window in the door, so I get some boots and a coat on and go out through the garage into the snow storm. From the back patio I can look into the basement stairwell and I see a raccoon crumpled up in the corner of the stairwell. The only thing that is moving is its arm as it scratches the siding next to the door... Not sure what the problem was with the raccoon, but it was making bloody marks on my siding. I figured it needed to be dispatched.

Now I live in the suburbs, so I can't just pull out a shotgun and blast it, plus it was wedged into a concrete corner next to my siding. Also, I did not want to get close to this critter in case it revived and made a jump at me. I was a bit perplexed and I was thinking I needed to dispatch this guy as quickly as possible before my next trip to the can...

I ended up using a long-handled spade and leaning over the railing to put the raccoon out of its misery. It's officially my first raccoon although I am not particularly excited about the kill. It was all I could do to get it done before I had to get back into the house to finish my colonoscopy prep business.

SO that's the official end to my 2023 hunting thread. Thanks for following along.