Benchmade knives?


Active member
Feb 12, 2012
I’m considering getting a new lock blade. What’s the deal with these benchmade knives? Is the steel so hard you have to send it in to get it resharpened? I’d really prefer something I can service myself as needed…. I’d appreciate any experience you guys can share. I believe the Benchmade I had my eye on is called the bugout.
They offer different blade steel the s30v is great and you can sharpen yourself like every knife you have ever owned and will need it periodically. The 90v is much more difficult but can be done with right stuff but its hard to dull in first place (never owned a knife blade that just stays sharp like it). Research what the specfic model you want has as they have many offerings for steel quality. Own several, numerous different blade steels all are amazing knives and have there place.
I have the Benchmade mini-Barrage. It's simple to sharpen. I use the Lansky guide rod system and it does an awesome job.
I will echo what has been said. I forget the models (& steel types) I have but I find they rarely dull and touch up quickly for me. Not sure you can go wrong with a manufacturer like Benchmade.
I’ve got a brand new Bugout I’d sell you if you’re interested. My wife bought me one for my birthday, and a couple months later I lost it. I bought a new one to cover it up and the day it came in I found my old one! Mine is the S30v steel. I love the knife!

PM me if you’re interested - if not, I’d still highly recommend the Bugout.
Personally recommend anything Benchmade…Never been disappointed in any of the knives I have purchased.
I’ve had a half dozen or so Benchmade’s over the years, still have three. The pictured 940 is my favorite, bought it off eBay in college 20 years ago for $55 or $60 when I had way more time to scout for deals than money. It’s 154CM, and I’ve had S30-V blades from them also. I can sharpen them alright, but prefer to send them in as I’ve grown to dislike the chore. Anymore I carry a Milwaukee folding utility knife 99% of the time for utility use, likewise with a Havalon for hunting, but I still appreciate the nice ones.


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Steep country may be the best factory made backcountry knife made.
I like the looks of that. I recently lost my Grizzly Ridge and have been considering what to replace it with. I had been thinking about the Bugout, but keep going back and forth between a folder and a fixed-blade. I think I'd rather carry around a cheap pocket knife day-to-day and have something like that Steep Country in my pack for hunting duties.
I like the looks of that. I recently lost my Grizzly Ridge and have been considering what to replace it with. I had been thinking about the Bugout, but keep going back and forth between a folder and a fixed-blade. I think I'd rather carry around a cheap pocket knife day-to-day and have something like that Steep Country in my pack for hunting duties.

Was gifted a Hidden Canyon hunter last year, awesome knife.

As true addicts do, I had to get more, bought the Steep Country last month, still waiting to try it.
I carry a mini-grip everyday and have been considering adding a bugout. I swapped to a steep country in my hunting pack when they came out, I love the knife but $150 knife should come with a better sheath. They replaced one and then I found somebody to make me a nicer kydex one.
I like the looks of that. I recently lost my Grizzly Ridge and have been considering what to replace it with. I had been thinking about the Bugout, but keep going back and forth between a folder and a fixed-blade. I think I'd rather carry around a cheap pocket knife day-to-day and have something like that Steep Country in my pack for hunting duties.
I bought one three years ago. 1st season I gutted and quartered two elk and it never lost edge. While I know how to sharpen knives better than most, I sent it back. Came back razer sharp and used it last year for another elk. OHA (Oregon hunters Assoc) had a discount deal so i bought another and the folder version. Used the folder on my deer this week and its just as awesome.
My uncle did most of a moose with a Outdoor Edge swing blade. It was so incredibly sharp even after breaking down a moose that I picked one up.
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