Caribou Gear

Belle fourche mule deer hunt(guide problems)

I agree with Dakota79 on this one. And I have never met him or even hunted the area. You could be unknowingly hurting someone else business and the guy you are talking about needs to be known to all so we don't waste our money with jerks like that.
I won't put any names because I don't think it's the right thing to do and don't want to hurt anyones reputation at all.
If it's an honorable thing and you did it, to speak of it is not bragging. Conversely, if it is less than honorable and you did it ... own up to it. Words from my grandfather sixty years ago.

In this case, the "hurt reputation" is not on you; it is on the guy who did you wrong and they should "own up to it". Don't allow someone on this forum to unwittingly suffer the same as you.
Dakota 79 why don't you tell us who all outfits in your neck of the woods, maybe that will ,in a round about way, get the info out. He can tell us who he did NOT have a problem with.
Dakota 79 why don't you tell us who all outfits in your neck of the woods, maybe that will ,in a round about way, get the info out. He can tell us who he did NOT have a problem with.

sounds reasonable. cant be tp many outfitters in that area
Cht1503, by throwing out a general area, you are in fact implicating all outfitters in that area. Dakota79 is rightfully upset as you can be directly hurting his family business. Based on your words in this post someone may say, "I will just find an outfitter farther North or East" instead of potentially choosing his. So own it Cht1503.

I don't see how Dakota79 throwing out all the names of the outfitters (his direct competition) is a good idea. This is especially true if CHT1503 is going to continue to hide and protect transgressors. Yes, you are protecting them. Dakota79 is probably acquaintances with the outfitters and throwing their names is also kind of like throwing all under the bus so to speak.
i imagine dakota knows the guys allready, these complaints dont happen one time, word gets around fast about anyone in a local area confronting hunters, op should ask his attorney about posting negative press about exact people 7ntil that person is actually cited and found guilty, seen it happen locally and the guy that made public statemrnts was sued civil court and cost him some money
I think being confident in your data and being polite yet firm goes along way in diffusing these types of run ins. I carry a unit map to go along with my OnxMap chip and put the local BLM and fish and game office numbers in my phone. I had a rancher in Wyoming stop me (actually skidded to a stop in his truck and motion me over) and ask if knew where i was. I pulled out my gps and told him i knew exactly were i was and he drove off. Similar situation in Colorado where a guy stopped and accused me of being on private land. I was firmly on BLM which i pointed out on Gps. He then said he leased it. I congratulated him and said that didn't affect public access and offered to call the local office. He grumbled a bit and drove on.
This sounds real similar to my encounter on Albion/Indian Creek Road on MT Antelope opener this year. We were setting up our tent camp on BLM and had an old rancher come flying up on his side by side and start F-bombing us for being on his land. We had 3 GPS units with OnX that all agreed we were well within the BLM boundaries, but that made no difference to him. After 25 minutes of berating and cussing us we politely and repeatedly told him to call the warden. The warden drove out the next morning, watched me shoot my antelope, checked our OnX tracks and camping location and wished us luck on the rest of our hunt.

What the rancher didn't know was I recorded the audio of the whole ordeal on my phone and turned that over to the warden and sheriff. When I asked him "So when you come out and bully folks on public land do they normally leave?" his response was "Boy, when I talk they listen and leave."

OnX is changing how this game is being played.
Albion Road.jpg
This sounds real similar to my encounter on Albion/Indian Creek Road on MT Antelope opener this year. We were setting up our tent camp on BLM and had an old rancher come flying up on his side by side and start F-bombing us for being on his land. We had 3 GPS units with OnX that all agreed we were well within the BLM boundaries, but that made no difference to him. After 25 minutes of berating and cussing us we politely and repeatedly told him to call the warden. The warden drove out the next morning, watched me shoot my antelope, checked our OnX tracks and camping location and wished us luck on the rest of our hunt.

What the rancher didn't know was I recorded the audio of the whole ordeal on my phone and turned that over to the warden and sheriff. When I asked him "So when you come out and bully folks on public land do they normally leave?" his response was "Boy, when I talk they listen and leave."

OnX is changing how this game is being played.
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Exact same rancher and exact same spot as i ran into him. You need to report him to blm in miles city! He has also been in trouble for haying on blm.
Dakota 79? Places got shown and names got named interesting to know your take.
Yes I stand corrected didn’t read close enough on that one I was assuming that was the same place. If someone did that to me I would not hesitate to throw a name out.
Dakota 79? Places got shown and names got named interesting to know your take.

I still don't have any idea who the op is talking about. The only guy I know it could be I know pretty well and I'm going to talk to him.
I Damn sure give a hoot about my livelihood and business when we bust our butt to do things right.

My family outfits just up the road from there and this post could detour potential clients from coming to the area without names being named.

You even said before hiring a guide know who you're doing business with. How about a name so we know not who to do business with.

Dakota 79 why don't you tell us who all outfits in your neck of the woods, maybe that will ,in a round about way, get the info out. He can tell us who he did NOT have a problem with.

Cht1503, by throwing out a general area, you are in fact implicating all outfitters in that area. Dakota79 is rightfully upset as you can be directly hurting his family business. Based on your words in this post someone may say, "I will just find an outfitter farther North or East" instead of potentially choosing his. So own it Cht1503.

I don't see how Dakota79 throwing out all the names of the outfitters (his direct competition) is a good idea. This is especially true if CHT1503 is going to continue to hide and protect transgressors. Yes, you are protecting them. Dakota79 is probably acquaintances with the outfitters and throwing their names is also kind of like throwing all under the bus so to speak.

I still don't have any idea who the op is talking about. The only guy I know it could be I know pretty well and I'm going to talk to him.

Dakota, Why don't you post your family's business name and the OP can say "no, it was not them" and then everyone will know it's not y'all and they may even get a little business from that... Nobody gets hurt; the good guys - or the bad guys ??(which I don't clearly understand)??
Dakota, Why don't you post your family's business name and the OP can say "no, it was not them" and then everyone will know it's not y'all and they may even get a little business from that... Nobody gets hurt; the good guys - or the bad guys ??(which I don't clearly understand)??

Routier Outfitting

Randy and Ryan Routier