Beginner Reloading set-up

I’m reloading and sending 270 Win downrange from stuff assembled over the past year.

My single stage press (CH 209 cast iron) given me by a guy who no longer reloads. That old press is great and I’ll probably give that to another young man 40 years from now. Guy also gave me RCBS dies which I use.

Digital calipers, digital scale, box of Lee powder scoops (3.4, 3.7 scoops get me close on scale then plastic spoon trickler). Reloading manual(s), case lube, prep pad, reloading block, case gauge trimmer, chamfer tool, shellholders. I will get other prep stuff in time, but for right now I’ve discovered a lot can be managed with pipe cleaners and fine steel wool.

Right now I’ve got bullets from 30-06 brass sized down to 270. My situation was I had run out of 270 brass and wanted to make some loads with 6.5 Staball powder. We’ll see how those go. This hobby is fun!
You briefly touched on case cleaning.
First I deprime everything.
I started out with vibratory and walnut shells. They are terribly messy, don't clean primer holes at all, and very slow.
I picked up a pin tumbler and use my own secret blend of cleaning agent. A couple T-spoons of Dawn and a teaspoon or so of Lemi-clean dishwasher additive. I also add a couple T-spoons of ammonia for polish/brightness. Depending on how funky they are I run it for about an hour. Most brass comes out looking nearly factory new.

Looking for some tips on some reloading equipment. I've heard the starter sets aren't worth it. I've got about $500 to spend and am wondering what should get emphasis and what can be done without when just starting. Some tips on bench setups might he nice too. I'll be reloading mainly 270 Win and am looking forward to it after stsring at ballistics charts for a few years
*UPDATE! Those 6.5 Staball loads were wicked accurate. Being a new powder there is little load data to reference. Hodgdon provides load data at the bottom of each powder page.

Here's what worked for me:
270 Win 22" barrel
-100 gr spire point
-56gr Staball 6.5 (at the low end of recommended charge).
-WLR primers
-COAL 3.18"
Not chronoed, estimate 3,250 fps. 60F, 7000' altitude and got bugholes.

For powder, I've found that the Hodgdon and Powdervalley websites occaisonally have availability mid-week and you have to move fast. Like move your powder(s) to your cart and have payment ready right then. I once put a selection in my cart, phone down for 10min then got my wallet. Cart was empty already and when I tried to move selection back in, was sold out!
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