Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Bear Weight game :)


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
So... I'm like the King of calling Bullchit when people post pictures of bears and say it's a 300, 400, 500.... And so on. I'm not an "expert" by any means of the word but I think it takes a Tramendous bear around this area to be a 300# bear. When you travel up north they tend to be a Bit bigger.

I'd like to work on my idea of a Good bear and Everyone else's here.

Please post a picture of a bear you know the weight of (Or estimated it real close) and then let people guess the weight. Hopefully not all the bears posted are 350# B.C. bears ;)
No Specifics, Call um like ya want. I was thinking Live on the PAW weight, Use Guts,Hide, and Eyeballs ;)

Pictures are always decieving. the 2nd bear looks smaller but is fairly stalky. I think you're correct with the top bear being around the 270 mark and the Lower one 290.

The top bear looking at the Back paws looks like a Toad but I think it's the Way the Picture was taken.
So far, I'll play the game and call Bear #1 light....175# tops, looks young too, 150# might be a better guess....

Bear #2, shorter, stocker, but probably close to the same as #1. 150-175#
I've never seen a bear in the wild or dead for that matter--only in the zoos--of course I got kicked out of the zoo--something about no firearms allowed---

but back to the guess...I think both bears about 5 footers so 5 x 40=200 but bear #2 has more hairs

bear 1 is 200 bills all guts and eyeballs

bear 2 is 225 bills all guts and eyeballs

Never really weighed any of the many bears I've seen killed. When guiding the Europeans would always ask me how much their bear weighed and I always gave them a line of BS as to my guess. :rolleyes: I guess it doesn't help in my guessing when I normally skin and quarter right on site because bears, no matter what size, are a bitch to get back to the truck any other way. No antlers to hold on to when dragging. :D

hey moosie.. my hunting partner shot a good sized bear in idaho city today.. ill post the pics when he gives me his memory card. My best friend had a relative
in idaho city whose house was being vandalized by a bear so we went up and
got him about 5pm today... one shot with a 45-70 here is a pic showing that we saved the tax payers of idaho some money !! this trap was about 30 feet from the nearest home. we went up north from the home on national forest land and set up. after seeing about 20 deer,3 turkeys, and other forest animals we finally got hint of movement , i set the rangefinder,called it out and bam..


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Here are a few bears my buddy (who weighs 255 pounds) has taken. Hint: If you guess under 400 pounds you aren't even close :)


I'll give you guys a hint. Most of you aren't even close on bear #2. Moosie is the closest and he's nearly a hundred pounds off.
Nice bears!! Well here goes... AZ - 250, Bigsky - 360, DK black - 390, brown - 300 ???

Here's a bear a friend of mine shot a few years ago. He's a guide and taxidermist... This doughboy looks like he raided Mooseman's bakery barrels... :p
STEEPnDEEP is now MUCH closer than anyone else in regards to bear #2. Here is another angle of the same bear. One last hint he appears a little smaller in the photos than he does in real life or on the scale.

Just for fun here is another bear that is likely bigger than anything posted here so far. His weight is certified and registered in the province of Saskachewan so I know exactly to the last pound what this spring bear weighs. Anyone want to make a wild guess?
Big Sky.. Is that you in the Picture with the Ugly Mustache ? If so, what do you weigh ? (Minus the hair~do and mustach that is ;)
Back then I weighed 180 lbs with the silly stach+hair. Moosie you have seen the rug from this bear in real life so I'm surprised you guessed so low.

I just realised I haven't made any guesses so here goes:
Bear 1: 250-275 lbs
Bear 2: Skip
Bear 3: 375 lbs (although he may be bigger, it's hard to tell from that photo)
Bear 4: 550 lbs
Bear 5: 550 lbs
I'd also say Deerkings Pictures are of a 500#ers. Looks like a Chick I dated jsut prior to me getting married !! Fuggin toads !!

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