Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Bear Weight game :)

Moosie can we see your bear pic's so we know what you are comparing the weight too. This might help us to judge them better.
Here you go.....


Can you guess his weight .. ?!?! ;)

Seriously though, Here is the Bear I took last year. "BB"

Here is a Short Video, We vidioed it like 3 times before It dies :



Here is a Picture of it's Paw :



HEre is BB Eating my Camera :


I weight 220......... And 6' Tall.

Any guesses ?

PS< Weight is Weight no matter were you're at. A 100# bear here in the South weighs the same up north... A 400# bear here usually weighs 200# if they are lucky on a Scale. So I don't get your Question ?
Ill say the first bear around 275# But the 2nd bear around 385# bear 3 Is hard to tell because the hunter is so far back behind for the Pic. Maybe around 225# bear 4 around 250# bear 5 Looks to be a short chubby bear. Nothing to compare it to.But still will give it around 325. It has a nice block like bear 4. bear 6 again hunter is too far away from the bear for a good pic to judge weight. But Ill say around The same as bear number 2 the 365#mark.bear 7 160# bear 8 the 150# Sorry If I shorted any One. Im just Glad you all are doing your part as hunters. Kill the real Elk killers.
Moosie your bear weight I didnt guess. Forward of the hind quarters looks to small for the rear end. But that could be because the pic is a quarting away shot. Nothing to compair to and we don't know how far the bear is away from you. It looks to have a narrow nose tall ears high belly. Coat hanger neck Witch I would say is a younger bear in most cases. But a real different two tone coat going to have to say keeping in mined nothing to go off of. 150#
keeping in mined nothing to go off of.

Come on, pictures AND Video ? Hell the above guys gave you just one Crappy picture ;)

Forward of the hind quarters looks to small for the rear end.

we don't know how far the bear is away from you.

(I'm holding it close in 2 of the 3 pictures I posted)

narrow nose
tall ears
high belly
Coat hanger neck

PLEANTY to go off of.... And you guesses right. (Plus or minus). My point being, I've showed 20+ bear hunters here my "300+" pound bear here and they all told me what a WHOPPER it was.
Most people don't know what a 300# bear is.

Let's Keep guessing.... I'd like some Answers from the Above bears sometime this week ?

here's Bear #9


And some Video to go with it. The video copied up bad so only the begining is on, But it's something :

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