PEAX Equipment

Bear Spray or Pistol? Both?

The best line of defense is being be aware. Hand down. Nothing else matters if you don't enter their territory understanding what, how & why the do what they do.

I carry both when alone, unless I have a rifle with me. I'd rather have the power of a hunting rifle than a .44, and I'd rather quietly resolve the situation without worry about either the spray or the firearm. I had the handbreaker 310 hard casts behind a full case of H110 for a long time, and what I discovered is that I can shoot 1 accurately, and 5 poorly. So I went back down to the 250 XTP's that I know I can shoot fast well. Like all things firearms related, practise is the most important aspect to carrying. You have to be confident with your nerves, aim & involuntary muscle reflex on one specific pistol in order to shave the 1/2 second here or there that you'll need.

Spray is the better option imo when you factor in adrenaline, fear, confusion & god knows what else when you're staring down a big bear. A wide, low spray and keeping your wits about you are the keys.

Also - Don't wear the bacon pants.
Thanks for sharing Gerald. Good comprehensive video.

I carry bear spray on my hip, with the belief that I could pull the tab and shoot it forward without needing to withdraw it. I do think there are weather/tent/best-of-both-worlds considerations for carrying a firearm or both.

As the video shows, drawing either on the fly is a coin toss, and the coin is weighted against you. People overestimate their ability to do most things, and so I think if we are honest, 90-some percent of folks out there are not practicing with their firearms. They are not practicing with their spray either, and a situation arising is likely to be chaotic, but it sure seems like the spray is a more forgiving option.

At the 17.30 mark of the video, Clay poses a question: You come into an opening and a griz is at 20 yards headed your way. You have both spray and a firearm. Which do you pull?

To each their own, but I am going for my spray.

The uneducated opinion of a guy who knows nothing:

Both > Just Spray > Just a gun
I can’t remember where I heard the story, maybe a Meateater podcast episode, but it was about the Alaska bush pilot who dropped a client off by a lake, then had to circle back and land to evacuate him because as soon as he took off the guy started spraying himself with bear spray as if it were bug repellent.
I thought this was a pretty thought provoking video to address this question.

IMO, it reinforces my conclusion (based on one experience of being false charged) that if you aren’t aware of the bear before it begins its charge it will get you if it wants to.

Being aware is more important than what you use for protection.
Thanks for sharing, and kudos to Clay that's a very well put together piece.

I found the interview with Todd very interesting,

"Being aware is more important than what you use for protection."

This seemed to be a key take away from his experience as well. It seemed like from his story that if he had made different decisions things might have turned out differently. I'm not saying he did anything wrong, simply that his gun and spray did nothing. He survived by remaining calm while being attacked, and that if he had picked a different route after encountering the bear perhaps he could have avoided the attack.
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I don't bow hunt, so always have a rifle during hunting. I also just bought a semi auto pistol I've been shooting every weekend getting familiar with. For me, with the two firearms, spray just complicates things. mtmuley
For the record whatever it’s worth, I carry spray. My rationale is, it’s known to be effective, it’s light. It’s always on my bino harness and I don’t even think about an extra weight.
Plus, I am not that great of a shot with a pistol, I am lazy and would probably get tired of carrying the weight of a pistol after not seeing a bear for a long time.
If I am rifle hunting I definitely will be going for that as my primary defensive weapon.
why I bought bear detergent. Can says deterrent. I said, bears can be pretty dirty and I just want to clean them up a little bit. She said that was nice.
Haha! That's great! :) Love kids.

There was a case where some tourists thought it was used similar to insect repellent!

I don't bow hunt, so always have a rifle during hunting. I also just bought a semi auto pistol I've been shooting every weekend getting familiar with. For me, with the two firearms, spray just complicates things. mtmuley
What pistol and caliber?
Rare anything happens. Very possible to make them woods wise. I think your son is in more danger getting to your hunting area.

To expand on this a bit. As has been mentioned it is your job to keep him safe and educate him, and only you are in a position to know whether or not he will follow your instructions, his attention level, and his ability to listen and learn as all children are different.

However; having said that, at eight I already knew how to use spray as well as shoot a handgun. I had already been taught how to be, bear aware--but every child and family situation is different. We have had visitors who I would not take their children into the wilderness with me and some i would. ( in all fairness, I will not hunt with some adults )

But the risk of a bear attack is very low. Their are more children who die each year via dog attacks, car accidents, drowning, accidental firearm discharges, than bear attacks. I have recently seen via news feeds, children die or be in harms way during shootings and riots. Personally I feel safer in bear country.
But the risk of a bear attack is very low. Their are more children who die each year via dog attacks, car accidents, drowning, accidental firearm discharges, than bear attacks. I have recently seen via news feeds, children die or be in harms way during shootings and riots. Personally I feel safer in bear country.

Bears are far more predictable than humans! 🤷‍♂️

I feel 100% safer alone at night in bear woods than I feel downtown Saskatoon.
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