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Bear Sidearm

Well went and did some research on the BS since I hadn’t looked at it in a decade. They’ve come along way in effective delivery range and potency. 2 million scoville units is muy caliente. If I was hunting or hiking in griz country I’d carry both. Cheap insurance and if you did have to resort to firearms after all the use of it would keep you out of a legal hassle. I just need a 2nd option.
In Alaska I carry a S&W Ultra Lite 7 shot revolver in .357. In Colorado I just carry my rifle—-no BS or side arm.
Thanks guys. I def appreciate the input. It will be my third time going west. Havent seen a bear the first two trips. Hoping to add a bear tag if i draw my elk tag. Hopefully i atleast get to see one! I already have some spray. The pistol to me is more peace of mind/ security feeling.
Thanks guys. I def appreciate the input. It will be my third time going west. Havent seen a bear the first two trips. Hoping to add a bear tag if i draw my elk tag. Hopefully i atleast get to see one! I already have some spray. The pistol to me is more peace of mind/ security feeling.

Basically all bear tags are OTC now so you should get one if your get an elk tag
If my partner sprays me down w/ BS, I may shoot him instead of the bear
Say we’re hunting, we bump a sow grizz and before we can react she’s on you revenant style.

I have bear spray and a pistol which do you want me to use first?

Remember bear is on top of you... in a high stress environment do you trust me to get down low to shoot... do you trust the bullets won’t pass through her and hit you?
Most would suggest you roll up in a ball, cover your head as best you can, and play dead at that point. Likely easier said than done.
I seriously doubt you’ve got anything to worry about. I do however, understand the difference “peace of mind” makes on a hunt. I hunt grizz county solo in bow season and I spend a lot of the time keeping my “mind” from ruining my hunt. Cutting fresh grizz tracks alone will mess with your head big time. I carry bear spray and 44mag SW329pd. The spray is probably the best deterrent, even a lethal Gun shot on a bear gives him a few minutes to put the hurt on you. But, the gun still makes me “feel” like i’ve got a puchers chance. The sw 329pd in 44mag is the ultimate backcountry gun IMO, weighs about 25oz with a scandium frame and a titanium cylinder (great for packing, not a pleasure to shoot). If your truly concerned, you need to ultimately go with what you think is best, you’ll second guess anything else and spend to much time worrying and not enough time enjoying your06B00AA3-E4E5-405E-B7ED-D66653DC8C54.jpegB9CBDCC0-DE8E-43A9-A3F0-295E0B8BBC9F.jpeg hunt.
Say we’re hunting, we bump a sow grizz and before we can react she’s on you revenant style.

I have bear spray and a pistol which do you want me to use first?

Remember bear is on top of you... in a high stress environment do you trust me to get down low to shoot... do you trust the bullets won’t pass through her and hit you?

, for the sake of argument, which you seem to embrace. Lets suppose I get ambushed by a sneaky bear. The two guys I occasionally hunt with I trust to
shoot the bear. The first guy is a cool customer and would drill the bear w/ 4-5 revolver rounds w/o hitting me. The 2nd guy is bad ass and would
rush up and stick his revolver in the bears ear and blast him/her.
I wouldn't and dont hunt with anyone in bear country, that I couldn't count on. Most of the time I am by myself.

Conversely, I'm sure you can tell me unequivocally and with certainty that a pissed off and attacking grizz will immediately feel the effects of the bear spray
enough to cause it cease tearing me apart and withdraw from the attack. As opposed to feeling the spray but continue the attack until it is sure I am dead,
which would leave me, in your scenario, covered in bear spray and still ripped up

While I have not ever shot myself. i have had two accidents/incidents where I got hit w/ bear spray. I can tell you it is incapacitating and it burns like
hell for hours and has a very long shelf life and whatever material it gets on it will stay there and burn you a year later when you rub against whatever
material it gets on. Water makes it worse. I'm sure there is some remedy for it. But I dont have it and prob wouldnt carry it.
So, yes, if you purposely cover me in bear spray, I might shoot you too

I am sure you will come up with more will the other experts on here. Hunt however you want but we will have to agree to disagree. Safe to say I doubt we will ever join up on a hunt.
Bear spray has it's place, I carry it during scouting and early season. when the weather cools off, I leave it in the truck
, for the sake of argument, which you seem to embrace. Lets suppose I get ambushed by a sneaky bear. The two guys I occasionally hunt with I trust to
shoot the bear. The first guy is a cool customer and would drill the bear w/ 4-5 revolver rounds w/o hitting me. The 2nd guy is bad ass and would
rush up and stick his revolver in the bears ear and blast him/her.
I wouldn't and dont hunt with anyone in bear country, that I couldn't count on. Most of the time I am by myself.

Conversely, I'm sure you can tell me unequivocally and with certainty that a pissed off and attacking grizz will immediately feel the effects of the bear spray
enough to cause it cease tearing me apart and withdraw from the attack. As opposed to feeling the spray but continue the attack until it is sure I am dead,
which would leave me, in your scenario, covered in bear spray and still ripped up

While I have not ever shot myself. i have had two accidents/incidents where I got hit w/ bear spray. I can tell you it is incapacitating and it burns like
hell for hours and has a very long shelf life and whatever material it gets on it will stay there and burn you a year later when you rub against whatever
material it gets on. Water makes it worse. I'm sure there is some remedy for it. But I dont have it and prob wouldnt carry it.
So, yes, if you purposely cover me in bear spray, I might shoot you too

I am sure you will come up with more will the other experts on here. Hunt however you want but we will have to agree to disagree. Safe to say I doubt we will ever join up on a hunt.
Bear spray has it's place, I carry it during scouting and early season. when the weather cools off, I leave it in the truck
Either way is a calculated risk, I was just curious what you would pick. That specific scenario happens.

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My turn. Similar to on of the above that you posted. A bear attacks you. Your panicked partner doesn't have a sidearm but has a rifle. fumbles with his bear spray and just decides
he'd better shoot it with his rifle cuz the bear is tearing you a new one. You do not have a lot of say in the matter at that point. do you? So you might still get shot even though
using a firearm for defense wasn't talked about or intended.

When I hunt with either partner, we actually go over a few scenario's, including who leads on the way out. What are you going to do
if X happens. Not that it will play out that way when it all hits the fan but at least you have an idea what their mind set is and what they intend to try to do.
Then you can decide if you want to proceed or not.
When we get to a hunting destination, we also communicate who does or doesn't have a round chambered, depending on where we are hunting
and the terrain. And under what situation you will chamber a round.
Careful who you hunt with.
This one is going sideways.
To the OP, I have had black bears steal elk quarters I've left overnight. My bad for leaving them on the ground. Hang them! Every black bear I've been that close to has swapped ends. Of course here in Idaho we shoot the snot out of them so they have respect. I don't know about Colorado.
My advice is pretend you are bear hunting. You won't see any bears.
I seriously doubt you’ve got anything to worry about. I do however, understand the difference “peace of mind” makes on a hunt. I hunt grizz county solo in bow season and I spend a lot of the time keeping my “mind” from ruining my hunt. Cutting fresh grizz tracks alone will mess with your head big time. I carry bear spray and 44mag SW329pd. The spray is probably the best deterrent, even a lethal Gun shot on a bear gives him a few minutes to put the hurt on you. But, the gun still makes me “feel” like i’ve got a puchers chance. The sw 329pd in 44mag is the ultimate backcountry gun IMO, weighs about 25oz with a scandium frame and a titanium cylinder (great for packing, not a pleasure to shoot). If your truly concerned, you need to ultimately go with what you think is best, you’ll second guess anything else and spend to much time worrying and not enough time enjoying yourView attachment 136478View attachment 136479 hunt.
Same same, hunt archery solo and carry the same gun, Magna-ported. Also cutting grizzly tracks makes me want to go home. I carry both as well but the gun came out when I found myself sharing the trail with a grizzly once.
Certainly if I or a hunting partner was on the ground I would prefer the bear spray.

***Here is my question regarding bear sprays effectiveness. How many pissed off aggravated charging sows with cubs were the tests preformed on? How is that replicated?
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Same same, hunt archery solo and carry the same gun. Also cutting grizzly tracks makes me want to go home. I carry both as well but the gun came out when I found myself sharing the trail with a grizzly once.
Certainly if I or a hunting partner was on the ground I would prefer the bear spray.

***Here is my question regarding bear sprays effectiveness. How many pissed off aggravated charging sows with cubs were the tests preformed on? How is that replicated?

None. The tests were performed on captured bears in cages and the responses recorded.
LVelk i agree: 329 pd is my favorite bear gun and i carry it daily with hand-loaded penetrator loads. If you carry in CO its more likely for all the questionable characters you will run into before and after the hunt than for a bear. The xd mod 2 is my CC gun and my favorite for small frame big firepower pistols just use the short mag to save the weight, your not getting into a fire-fight. Its not grizzly country, your fine....
Yup, the bipeds are the biggest threat. Down here SOAZ way you have to carry in the field because of the cartel drug runners, human traffickers and smugglers. Bad business but thx to the Prez and the new wall that’s really dropping off now.

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