Left them all the first bear is a really big bear but he and I go back 10 years , I thought someone had killed him as last year was the first year I had not caught him but caught him this fall. Caught him as a cub and caught him a few times a year till last year . He has helped me get a super pack of dogs . he has earned a free pass from me no matter how big he gets. He is I am sure 6'6" and over 400 pounds with a skull like 20 inches but all just guesses .
When he was a cub I had to pull my dogs off him cause he jumped out the tree right into my three dogs and buddies one dog( he was only 30-40 pounds and if I had not been there he would have been dead as it was I was holding 4 dogs and he had ahold of my leg shaking it and growling . he thought he was tough.
I.S> I'll be by the Idaho Utah border (Or somewhat) for thanksgiving. I'll be a call away bro !!!! Lets slit out one day. Keep in touch and give me a call mid Nov for the date !!!
Sounds good , I will try to make it around Malad or preston area as we do not open up here till december 1st . all depends on mammas plans for turkey day and next couple.