Barrel cleaning products


Active member
Mar 16, 2005
Casper, Wyoming
Like some opinions here. What products does everyone use specifically to remove copper from barrels? I have found Barnes CR-10 and Montana X-treme Copper Killer to work very well but the odor will almost kill you sometimes. I have not tried Sweets but imagine it to be similar. Is anyone using anything else that removes copper as effectively without the odor and how do you know it is all being removed? I do like the fact that patches come out with a blue color to them until the copper is removed. i've tried other brands of "copper" removers and then followed up with Barnes CR-10 only to get blue patches. Nice to know the barrel is clean.
I've been pretty partial to Butch's bore shine lately. Doesn't smell as bad as Sweet's or Barnes' but seems to work just as good. I also like that it is a liquid...for some reason, Sweet's consistency bothers me
I use Hoppes or Butch's to get the carbon fouling out and then I use either PatchOut or WipeOut to get the copper out. I've used Sweets but the smell is awful and I always worry about getting it all out.
I may be able to help you out a little bit I have switched to sweets it is not as harsh as the barnes.Ethier way if you are still getting blue patches after you think it should be clean you could be getting a false reading as the solvent will react with a bronze brush or brass jag.The barrel may be clean already.Best way to check is to shine a bright flashlight or a bore light down the barrel in a dark room if there is still copper in it you will see it glowing on the rifleling.Good luck!
Ethier way if you are still getting blue patches after you think it should be clean you could be getting a false reading as the solvent will react with a bronze brush or brass jag.The barrel may be clean already.

I actually have noticed this. At first I had doubts whether or not a nylon brush was stout enough to remove the fouling. Patches would come out clean but then blue with the bronze brush. After tyring several things I made the assumption that the bronze brush was somehow reacting with the solvent. I am finally convinced that the nylon brushes are doing their job and this may be the reason that all of the solvents I have used with an amonia component recommend nylon.

I have also tried a couple of the foam leave in cleaners such as WipeOut and Break Free and when following up with a nylon brush and an amonia based cleaner have had to do additional cleanning in every case. Copper just seems stuborn and hard to remove sometimes. The thing I'm finding is that without using a cleaner that reacts with the copper and discolors the patch I can't guarantee that all of the copper fouling is out.
Blue Wonder, Montana X-treme 50BMG. For really tough copper fouling I soak the barrel with Kroil overnight a scrub with a good wire brush.
Throw away all your brushes and get Wipe Out with the Wipe Out Accelator and never look back.
Pretty much all of the copper cleaners use ammonia and there is no good way to mask the smell. I use household ammonia on a patch.
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