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Banquet guns

Y’all know the point of banquets is to raise money for conservation, not for you to personally get a good deal on anything, right?

I agree quality items will bring in more money, but if you choose not to go to banquets because you don’t personally benefit from it then you’re in the wrong place altogether. Besides, I don’t know what you’d talk about with the other banquets guests, other than complaining about how much the local wildlife agency raised tag fees again.
I won a few nice guns at RMEF banquets over the years a Ruger red label take down 28ga, Browning medallion 300 win mag, Winchester 270 wsm, Knight nickel commemorative 50 cal inline muzzleloader. The ring toss on the antlers has been good to me.
While I personally want quality over quantity you gotta look around the room and see who’s going to these. More often than not, it’s blue collar folks with kids and not guys with 50 guns in the safe.

My local MDF chapter doesn’t get a ton of guns donated so we have to buy them all. Not going to make anything to build Muley habitat buying a dozen $1000 guns
We had some decent guns at our MDF banquet this spring. O/U and semi-auto Weatherby shotguns, a couple of $3K+ rifles, some nice handguns and revolvers, and multiple $1000+ rifles.
We also had some less expensive guns.

Like stated above, these are fund raisers. If we made a habit of raffling $5K guns we likely would have little funding for habitat projects.
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I won one of these earlier this year. What the heck am I going to do with it? A plastic stock would be more functional. 😉

I won one of these earlier this year. What the heck am I going to do with it? A plastic stock would be more functional. 😉

While that maybe overkill for most it has a good value. If you went to donate it back or trade it in they’ll work with you. Most of the ones I’m talking about are the FFL saying they don’t want them back. They were crappy enough no one bought them in the first place so they went to the banquet to get moved.

If you don’t want it post it for sale and buy your 25 sheep tickets!
Kenetrek Boots

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