Southeast Idaho RMEF Banquet


New member
Jul 26, 2011
Southeast Idaho
The Southeast Idaho chapter of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation has had a hard time getting things going in the past few years. There was a huge turnover in the committee and things just kind of went down from there. Well, there is a new committee and they are trying to revive interest in RMEF in the Pocatello, Idaho area. They are holding their first banquet under the new committee next Saturday on November 3rd. I encourage anyone living in the area to come out and support RMEF and these guys. There are some awesome raffles, auctions, food and most importantly some great guys that put this thing together. Here is the link to purchase tickets and stuff for the event.

Supporting these local banquets is vital for continuing the efforts that are put forth by volunteers and the organization. Most, if not all of us benefit from their efforts in some form or another. RMEF was instrumental in the fight for state management of wolves. They have protected over 6,000,000 acres of land to ensure that it has public access. Their involvement in restoring Elk to states like Kentucky, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, etc. could not have been done without the fund raising efforts of all events including local banquets.

Again I encourage those off you that can to take a few hours out of a Saturday night and support this event. It is being held at Courtesy Ford, 1600 Yellowstone Avenue, Pocatello, Idaho and starts at 4:30 PM on Saturday November 3rd. Thanks for reading and I hope to see many of you there.
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