Bank of America...really?


New member
Jan 14, 2011
My mother-in-law sent this to me this am. Disturbing. BofA wanted to give credit cards to illegals. That is another story for another time. Certainly the politicos on here have heard of this decision? Maybe not.

I do not do business with them, but would encourage you all to give them your feedback and to let them know who pays to keep the lights on there.
I am sending a letter to BoA, and also discontinuing use of my card with them, even though their interest rate is the lowest of my charge cards. It's disappointing to note that they are the company that now issues the BassPro Shops card and I would like to see them end that collaboration. My NRA Firstbank card will now become my preferential primary charge card, if and when one is needed!

Frankly, I'm getting tired of so many big companies joining forces with the anti-gun and anti-hunting crowd, it's getting to the point where I have to make a list and keep adding names to it for companies and products that I will no longer do business with!

Coca-Cola, AARP, Camping World, Burger King, Kraft Foods, Bank of America, and it keeps growing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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This still doesn't pass the smell test for me so I'll remain skeptical. My gut tells me Mr. Fox (the SVP) has personal issues with either guns or Kelly himself, and is not representing BofA as a whole. If that is the case it would make sense for BofA to come out and fire him instead of stonewalling.....though they may have a process to vet first.

I'm skeptical because BofA is running a bond deal with Freedom Group, a much bigger firearms manufacturer than McM. It also doesn't make sense to NOT do business with firearms manufacturers from an economic perspective, growth has been tremendous, completely outperforming during the recession. Banks look to make money....regardless of principles, why single out McM?

Finally, the 2nd Amendment supporters are hugely political and active, why would you want to alienate them?

To me it seems like there is a bit more to the story that I would hope would flush out this week, until then I'll reserve final judgement. My only account with them is a mortgage which I am currently seeking to Refi, hopefully they will no longer be my lender if BofA is anti-2ndA.
Hey Ron! I'm glad I'm addicted to Pepsi and not Coke, LOL! I also don't have a B of A card or I'd have a real problem and wouldn't stay with them!
I used to drink diet Sprite, but I stopped when they started their Polar Bear crap!

I can't drink any type of dark beverages due to my kidney stone problems, and nothing with sugar in it because of diabetes. That's why I have become a water drinker after years of following WC Fields' line of thought!!!
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Yea, I knew you had to really watch what you eat and drink. Thank God you and the boy, or should I say young man, can go out and shoot a lot of wild game for good protein, low cholesterol. etc. One of these days if we can work it out I'm going to head your way so we can say a face to face Howdy!!!
Top, I'm hoping that someday, Travis and I can come up to Michigan. I want to take him to Bonnie's grave. I just want to keep it a secret from my step-kids and the former in-laws, if and when the day comes!

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