Bangtail BMA - Bozeman closing?

I've really enjoyed hunting in that area over the years. But its only gotten more and more restricted. Its too bad cause its a great recreation area that was just abused and pissed off way to many landowners. The hunting there is so much fun while it lasted.
I'm writing a story for Outside Bozeman on the current lawsuit and looking to chat with someone who used the BMA back when it was open. Would you, or anyone you know, be willing to talk with me? I'm thinkin' coffee or over the phone. Whatever is easiest. Feel free to email me at [email protected].
Hey, Corey @Core-Shot-Photo, you come on Hunt Talk as a journalist to solicit information, then receive posts with info and perspectives from Onpoint, Avidindoorsman, Bangtailgallyman, Shrapnel, Hem, KB_ and the email from me responding to your direct request for info, with names and contact information for you to follow-up ... yet at this juncture we hear only radio silence.
From you not a thank-you, let alone even an acknowledgement of receipt. For me it elicits two words: Unprofessionalism and Rudeness!
Thanks for all the input, fellas. It will be interesting to see how this lawsuit shakes out. I hear there is another one up Skunk Creek with a similar complaint (landowner trying to block access at the seasonal closure gate).

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