Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

ban this


Your last post is much different than your first post, and I think there is much to be agreed upon.
Fat-Assed ATV riders will still have fat asses, even if they get off their ATV, but at least then, the only disruption to my hunt will be hearing them huffing and puffing, and clenching their hearts.

As for your Mt. Bike experience, I think we all have to take our chances with other users, when on Public Lands. I will tolerate hunt disruptions from activities that are not hunting related (Mt. Biking, Logging, etc...) as long as they are legal. That is just the luck of the hunt, but I would not advocate closing public lands down to non-hunters.

And as for: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> How about the hunter that gets close and lights up a cigarette? The talker? The check you out with a rifle scope hunter? The make it to the top of the hill jeep climber hunter? The doors open, truck sitting in the middle of the road hunter? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
I would not even include the word "hunter" after all of those descriptions. Most of them are illegal, un-ethical, or just stupid.

Hasn't Colorado already done some sort of ATV ban? You have to have the gun in one of the Kolpin hard cases? Somebody from Colorado, help me out here....
In CO you have to have a bow or gun fully encased and fully unloaded on an ATV. It can be a hard or soft case, but no scabbards. We do have a handgun exception.


Has it changed behaviours? Are guys getting off the aTVs and hunting, or do they still cruise all day long, waiting to run something over?
Nothing much has changed around here because chances of getting caught are about nil. The guys that get caught are the guys that don't know about the law. The ones that are intentionally breaking it are a little sneakier.

I don't necessarily think an outright ban on ATVs is a good idea...just ban them on public lands from Aug. through Dec. and I'll be happy. Does that sound like a workable compromise?

I noticed you addressed me as Quailhurter?
I looked on my keyboard and that would've been a heckofa typo, so I guess you meant to do that?
Care to explain?

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 05-31-2003 22:28: Message edited by: quail hunter ]</font>
Quail., You might as well get used to more regulations. It'll never stop as long as the population keeps growing and there's more demand for all our resources. You can ask all your ridiculous questions about what's next and how far the regulations will go, but you can be assured that as problems develop they'll be addressed and there will probably be restrictions applied. Get over it.

It's not some worldwide conspiracy, it's just the natural progression society goes thru. There will be more laws every year. The only way to reverse it is to decrease the population to the point where the laws aren't needed anymore and then repeal them. Good luck.
So... let's see. In Colorado they try to restrict ATV hunting, and the law is routinely flouted. So if they come up with another restriction, does that prove a conspiracy to ban everything, or is that just showing that the first step was not enough?

My guess is in Idaho, we will see more bans on ATV's, but not as part of a conspiracy to ban everything, but as a tool to enforce the laws as intended.

I would love to see Unit 40 be ATV free. I bet within 3 years, we would not have the 2-point regulations, and we would be back to having one of the best Mule Deer areas in the West.

I am terribly sorry for the typo, and that really hurt me a bunch when you said I was not a hunter. I really didn't want anybody in this forum to know that I don't hunt. I am just glad you went back and edited it....
Umm I thought the Idaho ban and possibly others were for "motorized vehicles while hunting" not just ATV's or am I crossing concepts here from reading too many posts on the subject?
Yah, what greenhorn said, except for the fat assed females, oh baby!!! wider is better, oops wrong commercial..h2m
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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