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Ballistic Help

How high is it at 100 with the 250 zero? How low was it at 300 with the same 250 zero?

Something is wonky for it to print that high with such a small adjustment. Are you sure the scope is parallel to the bore?
That’s my next shooting foray. I’m not close to a 300yd range and ran out of daylight. I’m going to start at 100 with the 250yd zero and work back to 300.

I will say I have always been around 2-3in high at 100 over 8 years of shooting this exact setup. So I don’t anticipate a big swing there.

Also worth adding is that with this same setup and zero over the last 7years I have killed 3 elk and 6 deer from 40-330yds.

Help me think through this. Is there anyway I could have it set where the bullet is still rising at 250?

Also there was a lot of mirage that day. Super sunny. Hot and low humidity.
That’s my next shooting foray. I’m not close to a 300yd range and ran out of daylight. I’m going to start at 100 with the 250yd zero and work back to 300.

I will say I have always been around 2-3in high at 100 over 8 years of shooting this exact setup. So I don’t anticipate a big swing there.

Also worth adding is that with this same setup and zero over the last 7years I have killed 3 elk and 6 deer from 40-330yds.

Help me think through this. Is there anyway I could have it set where the bullet is still rising at 250?

Also there was a lot of mirage that day. Super sunny. Hot and low humidity.
makes zero sense to me if all you changed was the turret. I wasn't sure if you changed anything else. I didn't realize that was all you did. Sometimes screw holes are not lined up, or the rings/bases are out of alignment or the height can be off. Rare, but I've seen it.

I would set to zero and shoot again at 100 and 300 and see where it hits. I have no experience with that scope, so not sure how the turret attaches. Could you have damaged it somehow when putting it on? No way it should have raised up 7" with one MOA adjustment. 100% sure the barrel wasn't touching something when you shot? How many rounds?
Help me think through this. Is there anyway I could have it set where the bullet is still rising at 250?

Also there was a lot of mirage that day. Super sunny. Hot and low humidity.

As soon as a bullet leaves the barrel it is dropping. A bullet never rises. The reason people think this is your optics actually point downward so your cross hair will cross a bullets path twice in flight

I’d say mirage could be a possibility. Shoot it at 250 to confirm zero and then go to 300 right after it.
Your optics are always straight line of sight to the target. The barrel is angled up in relation to optics line of sight which sends the bullet through its arc.
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