Bait Question!

fishin magician

New member
May 14, 2006
I'm going on a fall bear hunt in Canada, A friend lost power this spring and lost all the meat in his freezer. I asked my guide if we could use it for bait, he said it would attract to many wolves and coyote's. and that the bears would avoid the area. Has anyone heard of this?:
Personally I have never heard or read anything like this, but I have never baited in an area with any kind of significant wolf population. You would think that no matter what you use, you are going to attract those other animals. I have found just as many coyote tracks around my bait site no matter the ingredients of the site. It does make sense that you would attract more with rotten meat though, because it has the rankest, heaviest odor. Just curious, are you having to supply your own bait? Usually the guide takes care of the bait sites for his hunters.
Old wives tale, coyotes and wolves will stay clear of baits because people aren't usually very carfull with sent so they know that somthings wrong.
Anyone who has trapped thease animals know how spooky they are around bait.It's is possible for them to feed on thease but the animals will be young or subadults.
I tell you what

When you or if you ever bait where others bait it becomes a bait war and he that has the best bait will win.
And dog food with mollassas is tops also fresh overripe straweberries are the absolute best , rolled oats and cleaned corn with mollassa works exceptionally well . But nothing is black and white as some bears just prefer meat and some dounought and others fruit . if you pay attention you will know what the bear wants and the more of that you have the longer he will stay on your bait.
thank you, that may be just what I needed to know. I'm new to bear hunting and can use all the advice I can get! I have taken a bear over a ton of jelly donutes and granola bars, I guess the best bait pile wins!!
Meat around here is the Best. If the laws are there liek they are here don't us eGame meat of any sort.

Althuogh going to the Auction and Buying a Goat or Sheep and Roaching it over a BAit site might be a Good Idea... I hear ;)

Dog food with Oil, Mollassas, greese, Etc. is a Great wat to go. I've found Bread and Donuts to work better though personally.

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