Bad news


New member
Dec 23, 2000
Got a call Saturday AM.
An old friend of mine, Lee, had a stroke.
I immediately started to drop everything and go to the hospital, but I was told not to bother, he was already too far gone, just a body on a respirator. .
He’s still alive, but as I understand it, not for long.

57 years old (same as me),
A confirmed bachelor with no wife or kids, and the only relative is a sister who lives on the other coast.

We were not close anymore, one of those guys you still see a few times a year. Deer camp, fishing trips, Superbowl party. Back in the day, we did some serious bass fishing, bird hunting and beer drinking.

His sister is flying out Wednesday to make the call (un plug life support).

Another friend and myself have agreed to check on his house several times daily. He lived in a rough part of town, and has had some break-ins. She will need help dealing with his affairs, both of us have volunteered to help. Don't know what else to do.
Sorry to hear this. Thoughts and prayers going out for you. My grandpa had a stroke a few years ago. Though he is still with us, he has a terribly hard time getting words out and it is very hard on the whole family. 57 is just too young for this.
Sorry to hear this a- con. I've had family members have strokes and it can be devastating, one moment they seem perfectly healthy and the next they are too far gone like Lee. My thoughts go out to you and his family..
Sorry to hear the news.
I spent a few bucks on an alarm system when my parents died. Took the neighbors 2 days to figure out nobody was there and to pry the front door open. Alarm did it's job and they took off. Cops said they were probably standing by watching to see if they showed up. Probably can get it done for a few hundred which is nothing compared to what they can do if they get in and spend all night cleaning the place out.
Prayers sent to his family and friends. I often capture a moment on a hunt such as when the sunrise is amazing as if a forest fire was on the horizon and I take a second to appreciate that moment. Even if I never see such a fine sunrise again...I will smile knowing I am here right now watching that sunrise or vee of geese, etc. No regrets. I figure a lot of hunters are that way and is part of why we hunt.
Here is a photo of Lee, probably about 1987.
We would drop in a public access point on the San Joaquin river, in a 12 " aluminum with a trolling motor and float all day through farm country catching dozen of bass, finally pulling out at another public access point 15 miles down river. Good times.

Sorry about your friend A-con, just had a good friend have one a few weeks ago; insidious things! Prayers to his sister and you as a friend. Even though now a casual friend, they're still a precious commodity.
Bad news indeed. If the sister is amenable the subject of organ donation should offer improved life for countless others in this time of loss.
Another reminder to never take a day for granted. Prayers to all.

If that isn't truth I don't know what is... Each moment of life is a moment that just passed. Really have to make the most of it.

Sorry to hear, A-con. :(

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