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Bad Lot of RL 22 Powder !(?)


New member
Dec 16, 2000
Just picked this up off 2 other sites.

There is a lot# 25083 of RL-22 that is at least questionable. One report told of how it destroyed his firearm and that Alliant was replacing that lot if you called them about it. WD

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 26 August 2001 06:19: Message edited by: WDSWIFT ]</font>
I think the stories are beginning to "grow" about that lot of powder. I have some, and called Alliant about it. They had some questions about my experiences, and said that they'd had mixed reports about it from people. I am happy with it, so I then went out and bought the other four canisters of #25083 on the dealer's shelf.

The loads I've worked up with it aren't all that far from what Alliant lists in their load data, so I don't know what's really going on with it.
Ndak, ya'll be careful with that stuff, one guy reported that he used one pound up and the second one (same lot) was the one that gave him trouble.

I aggree with ya though, why would Alliant not have a recall if it was suspect. Another said that Alliant shipped him another right away and asked that he dump the can he had out. So who knows for sure, just a word of caution. WD
Here's a direct quote from Alliant's website:

"Reloading Precaution: It is a standard recommendation to reduce our listed maximum powder charge weights by 10% to establish a starting charge weight. If you have our Reloder 22, lot 25083, it is important that you follow this recommendation."

They replaced two pounds of this lot # that I had and told me not to use it. At this point I still have it, however. I may use it, but reduce my normal loads. I like RL22 a lot and will continue using it.

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