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Hunter's Ed Class Offered Online


New member
Dec 20, 2000
Jackson, Wyoming



CHEYENNE Working evenings, driving over the road or living too far away to make a night commute shouldnt prevent a prospective hunter from becoming eligible to go afield in Wyoming.

s why the Game and Fish Department set up an alternative to the traditional hunter education class of several evening sessions covering two weeks. Prospective hunters can now study the majority of the hunter education coursework over the Internet and complete the class with just one weekend meeting: a "field day" where the final exam is taken and students take part in a firearm handling exercise.

Helen McCracken, the G&F
s hunter education coordinator, says the Internet course is designed for adults with schedules not conducive to a traditional class. "We dont recommend the Internet hunter ed course for kids," she said. "Youngsters do better with the personal interaction and support of a traditional class. Adults are more conditioned to studying on their own."

Students can study the Internet hunter education curriculum at

and going to "Hunter Ed Online!" on the right side bar, at their own pace. All coursework must be completed before reporting for the field day which are held at least twice annually -- usually spring and fall in each of the G&Fs seven regions across the state.

Successfully completing hunter education is required for anyone born after 1965 to hunt with a firearm in Wyoming on land other than that of his or her own family. The Wyoming law has been in effect since 1979.

In 2004, over 200 students received their hunter education certification from the Internet/field day class. So many students tackled the course prior to hunting season in the fall, that some couldn
t get registered for the field day because it was filled.

"If possible, I urge prospective Internet students to register for a spring field day so you dont have to chance the fall date being filled," McCracken said.

The online course was field tested by the person with arguably Wyoming
s busiest schedule Gov. Dave Freudenthal. As the first graduate, he said, "Online hunter education is one of the best options available for people who don't have a lot of extra time in their day. I was delighted to discover that I could take the course in 30 minutes here and 30 minutes there. I would highly recommend it for anyone to fit into their already-busy lives."

The first field day of the season will be held Feb. 27 in Casper. The complete 2005 field day schedule:

Gillette March 5, June (TBA), Sept. 10
Sheridan April 2, Aug. 27
Lander April 9, Aug. 6
Casper Feb. 27, April 10, Aug. 28
Cody March 5, Sept. 24
Jackson TBA
Rock Springs May 21, Aug. 20
Cheyenne March 19, Sept. 24

For more information about online hunter education, call McCracken at (800) 842-1934.


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