Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Backpacking Stove

I know this may not be the place for my comments but thought I would add this for those that haven't really considered it. I don't even mess with a stove plus fuel on many of my short backpacking trips. It's pretty easy to bring cold food that doesn't require heating and I don't miss having the extra weight/bulk and time spent cooking/cleaning up. Obviously it's nice to have a stove and warm meal on longer trips but it isn't too terribly tough to go without one for a few days! Anyway, that's my recommendation if you want to stay super light and mobile on short trips.
xts pot and micro rocket. Boils water fast and will start you a fire in the worst conditions. Turn it upside downs and you have a flame thrower.
I have a WhisperLite for work and use a Primus OmniLite that I scored from BigFin during one of his garage sales. I like having the ability of using multiple fuels but the convenience of canister fuel has kept me from even bothering with white gas.

Use caution with the direct mount to canister as they can be a little unstable when you cook but they are very light.

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