Backpack child carrier

Aug 18, 2024
Broke my finger, so figured I would focus even more on fitness. Does anyone have any recommendations on backpack child carriers? Want to get out for more hikes and since the kiddo is about the right age I wanted to start taking him with.
I got a high end deuter “used” a couple years ago. It looked like it had never been worn and got it for real cheap. It is comfortable to carry, has enough extra storage for a day hike with the fam and the kids like it.
We used a Kelty carrier with a frame for long hikes and when my husband was doing the carrying, for shorter hikes (going less than a mile up the mountain) I often just popped little guy in a ring sling and went for it. The Kelty was well made and the little guys seemed to find it comfortable to ride in. We found it second hand at a church rummage sale and after ours grew out of it, it went on to friends and is still going strong.
Whatever you choose make sure it’s the kind where the kid looks the same way as you. Then they really feel part of the action.

We also had a Kelty that was second hand. We put a lot of miles on that thing. The adjustment is great to go along with kids growth.
A pack is a personal choice. You hear it all the time. Back when my oldest was a toddler, he apparently thought so, too. I dropped him in one of those baby-haulers a couple of times, and I think I’m still suffering from the hearing loss associated with having a 20-lb demon scream down your ears for the duration of the hike. I still suffer PTSD symptoms whenever I see one of those hanging on the rack at REI.
I have one I’d let go for the cost of shipping. I have to look when I get home; it’s either a osprey or kelty
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