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B.A.D.A.S.S. #2 - HOWA rifle

Guys The Big River.....Rio Grande

Not if you speak with a Northern Minnesota dialect as I do. :p Rio Grande was what Dad said when he meant the equivalent of being "Up *$#t Creek." Where I come from, Spanish is considered a foreign language, so we pretty much ignored it.

That hobbles my interpretive skills when I travel to places outside of my provincial surroundings, where Northern MN dialect is far more of a foreign language than Spanish.

Given my very local upbringing, Big River for me is the Mississippi. The Big Muddy is the Missouri. Sorry for any confusion. ;)
Damn eastern Tenderfoots. Used to be a respectable website.

Every one should stop your crying, you could be like me and forgot to enter.
Well dang--I didn't see this either with traveling back to Kenya and all---was going to say I had the east bit sewed up by being in Kenya, but EODRay put the kabosh on me....congrats to the winner......still sent emails to both Federal and Howa.....chris
Do they allow bolt action rifles in places like Indiana? I suspect so, but I was worried some of the Chicago politics might be spilling over.

For the sake of this winner, I hope the answer is "Yes."
Not if you speak with a Northern Minnesota dialect as I do. :p Rio Grande was what Dad said when he meant the equivalent of being "Up *$#t Creek." Where I come from, Spanish is considered a foreign language, so we pretty much ignored it.

That hobbles my interpretive skills when I travel to places outside of my provincial surroundings, where Northern MN dialect is far more of a foreign language than Spanish.

Given my very local upbringing, Big River for me is the Mississippi. The Big Muddy is the Missouri. Sorry for any confusion. ;)

Thought I would just interject some more confusion and speculation....:D

And for the folks that thought the Rio Grande ran ONLY E/W...

I'm the Jeff from Indiana

Wow What a nice prize!

Now choosing which rifle? Suggestions?
Dang you, I was hoping I was the lucky Hoosier! ;)

I'd suggest either a 22-250 or a 243. You can use it on coyotes here and for trips out west. You can then get a second barrel in 358 Hoosier (a new commercial round based on the same case head as my suggestions that meets our goofy rifle rules) to use on deer here. If you are in/around Indy I can provide you with a gunsmith's name that will do the work.
Dang, a guy wins and makes his FIRST POST on the site asking what to get it in. Newbie luck for sure!
Dang you, I was hoping I was the lucky Hoosier! ;)

I'd suggest either a 22-250 or a 243. You can use it on coyotes here and for trips out west. You can then get a second barrel in 358 Hoosier (a new commercial round based on the same case head as my suggestions that meets our goofy rifle rules) to use on deer here. If you are in/around Indy I can provide you with a gunsmith's name that will do the work.

thanks for the info on the interchangeable barrel to fit our Indiana regulations

Yes that was my first post on forum but have been living vicariously through the post of others for three years.