
AZ Doves - Trip down memory lane

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
I know this may sound kind of strange, given I produce a big game TV show and we have some really fun big game hunts just around the corner. But, I am really excited to head to Yuma, Arizona this week to do some serious dove slooshin'. I was a dove hunting nut for about five years. Can't say as I've ever grown out of it, just moved away from it.

When I was an ASU Sun Devil, my grades took a serious hit when dove season was open. I remember missing a few classes due doves being on the brain. I recall fondly all those morning/evening dove hunts in Maricopa, only to see that those will only be memories, as the last time I drove past the dove fields of my college youth, they were nothing but a mass of homes and swimming pools. Good for the landowner, bad for the doves and dove hunters.

Howa's parent company, Legacy Sports, sent me a new 20 gauge O/U to try out. Had it out at that range a few weeks ago and it was performing remarkably well. Or, at least to the limits of the operator behind the trigger. I suspect I should stock up heavily on ammo, given how long it has been since I've done any passing shooting at darting doves.

I suspect Wade is going to pull out the old rules, where the last guy to fill his limit has to buy breakfast for all. Given my rusty shooting skills, odds are I'll be buying breakfast all days. Not sure what happens if it takes me until afternoon to fill my limit. Guess I'll be buying dinner rather than breakfast.

This is not going to be a TV episode. It will be two things - First, this hunt is a chance for me to do some "fun" hunting with an old college friend with whom I've deferred too many invitations. Second, it will be a YouTube episode of some degree yet to be determined.

Click here for more information on Arizona dove hunting


I'll never make it to Argentina, but that's OK. I'm Yuma bound, to the best dove hunting I've found in this country.

From the mid 60's to the mid 70's we never missed the opener down in Blythe. Those were really good times, camping along the Colorado River. We'd shoot the fields in the morning, hunt the edges for a few cottontail and fish the river and canals for catfish. I bet it's all changed now. Looking forward to your youtube video.
I always thought I was a pretty fair shot with a shot gun. Hunting doves a few days changed that. I'm sure you will be taking lots of boxes of shells.
Enjoy yourself. You spend a lot of time entertaining us. Remember, a couple of old 3" 1 7/8 ounce lead shells snuck in your friend's gun is good times for everyone.
ASU? The place was lousy with Newport Beach girls IIRC..

IIRC implies "recall," right?

While there, my state of perpetual inebriation did not allow for a lot of recollection. I do recall them telling me, after my second year, that my money was no good anymore and that I might need a couple years to figure out what I wanted to do when I grow up.
Yuma is my neighbor, I live in El Centro. Couple weeks ago I thinned out some Eurasian Doves with a single shot 20 ga.


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Eurasian doves are actually getting thicker here in Montana. I need a pellet gun to topple those late night coo'ers off the telephone poles. I like that pile of them you have. They east like Mourning and Whitewings?
Bet you didn't sit a cooler like the ASU days,eh BF.

I thought I was OK with the doves,then I hunted

Nice haul Breck!
I'm going to start dove hunting here as there are so many now. Them and bunnies.I rarely see quail here.
I miss dove hunting. Used to go every single year from my daisy red rider days through college with family and friends. Some of the funnest times I can remember growing up.

Really looking forward to going again soon.
Love dove hunting! Good luck on the AZ hunt, t-minus two days until opener here in Wyo!
IIRC implies "recall," right?

While there, my state of perpetual inebriation did not allow for a lot of recollection. I do recall them telling me, after my second year, that my money was no good anymore and that I might need a couple years to figure out what I wanted to do when I grow up.

I also majored in beer and babes (at UCLA) and I think I remember some trips to Tempe...
Eurasian doves are actually getting thicker here in Montana. I need a pellet gun to topple those late night coo'ers off the telephone poles. I like that pile of them you have. They east like Mourning and Whitewings?

They are getting ridiculous here east of town. I've been looking at pellet guns myself..
This looks awesome! I'm heading out with the bow for the dove opener this year so I won't make the opener but I hope to take the wife and the dog over the holiday weekend!
Sounds like a blast, should be a lot of white wings hanging around down there. I'm going to slip out after work Thursday and try my luck at a desert tank. Good luck, have fun!
Good luck BigFin and all who are heading out this week/weekend for some dove action. I will be heading out Saturday afternoon to hopefully find some birds in North TX.
Kenetrek Boots

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