Az deadline


New member
May 7, 2002
Peoria AZ
Hey All,

The AZ deadline is coming up Tues the 8th,for those of you that still put in on paper I would like to let you know that I am going to be helping out at the greenway office on Mon and Tue checking apps for errors. If you come by ask which one of us is Tim and introduce yourself I would like to put a face with the names.

Don't listen to him.. You all have until the 6 of July.. Just take your time and wait til the last minute. I've always had better luck that way. No rush.. Lots of time.. Don't hurry..

(Jees Tim, Don't encourage them.. we have a big enough problem with USO and Tallman.. and that crowd.. )

Just made my annual payment of $247 to the fine people of Arizona. They always send me a nice thank you note, and then sell my name to schmucks that think I want to buy a canned high fence hunt....

Is there anywhere that has the Drawing Odds posted? I couldn't find it today.... :confused:
My elk units are 10% drawing odds... But I should have my name in 3 times, so triple the dissappointment.

Hey Oak,
How come I couldn't find the Sheep drawing odds in there???
Sorry Dan

I didn't say the 8th of what month lol. My wife is the one that dose most of the licensing for the outfitters.I keep telling her to lose their checks but it ain't working.

ElkGunner -

Why do you pay $247? Are you trying to do a little bribing? If you draw let me know if that works. Good luck in your draw.

My buddy called me last night, he was putting in on-line and wanted my information. I looked high and low and I couldn't find my 2004 hunting license.
We had put in, earlier this year for javelina on-line and I had taken care of it. I asked him what his license # was and we where able to figure out that mine was one number ahead of him. We got our 2004 license, in the Javelina draw. I asked him to give me the license number and I would try to find my license to make sure we were right.
Turns out I never put my 2004 license in my wallet. It was sitting on the divider when I opened it back in December. I have probably hunted birds 10/15 times, fished twice and did the Javelina trip all with my 2004 license sitting on the divider at home. In all my years of hunting this was a first. Why it never came to light before now is both beyond me and fortuniate.
Anyway, with our horribile drought everything is dead, save your $5 nonrefundable fees and take your families to see Garfield. You will see more animial life in that movie than here in AZ, Good Luck, JLG.
THat's it... Drought.. we got drought.. everything's dried up and all the critters have gone elsewhere.. New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, California.. Somewhere where they could get water and cool off. Don't bother putting in for Arizona.. It's a waste of time.. (Unfortunately, that last line is probably the truest line in the whole darn post..!!)

Dan, the whole West is droughted, all those critters had to have traveled across the Mississippi to find fresher ground... ;)