Attention beginning houndsmen!!!


New member
Dec 19, 2000
Sulphur,IN U.S.A.
Several times since I have been on this board I have seen people on here asking for advice on training pups,or,got my first hound puppy,what do I do now?
I have been hunting with hounds for 12 plus years,and just yesterday,I finally read the book "Walk With Wick"
"The Tree Dog Encyclopedia"

Let me give you beginners some advice and save you alot of time and money.
I wish I had read it when I first started out.
Trust me,BUY THE BOOK!!!!!
I could have learned in two days worth of reading what it took me 12 years to learn the hard way.
I learned a couple new things,and
had a few of my theories on dog training confirmed.
The information that is in this book is priceless to a beginning houndsman.
Wick Outdoor Works.
I hope the book is still in print,if it aint, try and find it at the library.
It will be worth it.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 04 August 2001 22:59: Message edited by: engman99 ]</font>
The book is out of print, it was a limited edition. Rumor has it he is coming out with a newer version, but its only rumor. Sometimes you will see the book on ebay, it usually goes somewhere in the 100-200 dollar range. The book has some good points, but as with all info on things like this its best to draw up your own conclusions, its not the gospel of making a dog.
You right about it not being the gospel on dogs,Gatoman.I dont think alot of the things he does applies to every dog.There was some stuff I agree with some I dont.But I think reading that book is the best thing you could do if your are just starting out with hounds.At least it gives you a starting point.
Theres 2 books on ebay right now, just do a search under Tree Dog Encyclopedia and they should pop up.

Also you could read Warren Wilkersons on-line book which has tips and storys at:
Old Dogs and Old Hunters

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 10 August 2001 13:39: Message edited by: GatoMan ]</font>
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