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OnX and Samsung have had memory issues forever, Iphone zero. Partner had to switch to gaia when he was heavy into shed hunting. He's back to Onx but has archived all those waypoints to keep the app from locking up.
I have a Samsung/Android phone, always battling memory issues. Is there a way to run the app from the SD card (some apps can do this), or at least store data to the card?
We do not currently have the ability to store onX data on a separate SD card. The app currently works only with the internal memory of the device.
@onX Hunt

Turning off terrain display is the trigger, which results in any subsequent header also being turned off. Turning off a different layer results in several different outcomes.

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@onX Hunt

Turning off terrain display is the trigger, which results in any subsequent header also being turned off. Turning off a different layer results in several different outcomes.

Thank you for that feedback and the recording, We'll pass this along to the appropriate team so they can get that corrected.
@onX Hunt
Would like to see if you could add simple feature: i would like to be able to set a default color for tracks and waypoints based on year. Example, unless modified by me all my 2023 content is blue, 2024 red or something simular. This is something that would be helpful lots of reasons but shed hunting tracks, turkey gobbling waypoints etc.
@onX Hunt
Would like to see if you could add simple feature: i would like to be able to set a default color for tracks and waypoints based on year. Example, unless modified by me all my 2023 content is blue, 2024 red or something simular. This is something that would be helpful lots of reasons but shed hunting tracks, turkey gobbling waypoints etc.
I made the same request last year!
@onX Hunt
Would like to see if you could add simple feature: i would like to be able to set a default color for tracks and waypoints based on year. Example, unless modified by me all my 2023 content is blue, 2024 red or something simular. This is something that would be helpful lots of reasons but shed hunting tracks, turkey gobbling waypoints etc.
Thanks for that request, we'll pass it along to our engineers for them to take a look into!
I just chatted with a member of our Engineering Team. Basically, right now our Offroad team is working on building landscape mode and it will be available in that app first. The reason for this is that Offroad has, by far, the largest portion of users that utilize tablets. Tablet users are a pretty small number of of the overall Hunt App users, and landscape mode is not as critical of a features on the smaller phone app for most phone users. So it is not that we don't want to build landscape mode, but we try to prioritize the new features and improvements that impact the largest number of users. So that is a long way of saying that landscape mode is on our roadmap, but it is not going to be available in the near future. I'm sure that is not the answer you were hoping to hear, but I don't want to set unrealistic expectations that are not likely to be met.
Found this post while doing a web search for onX landscape mode not working
I downloaded and subscribed to Premium onX Offroad last week.
It’s been a year since this post and landscape mode still doesn’t function properly.
I can get it to 'landscape' but most of the functions are disabled.
Maybe it will be implemented by the time my renewal is due next year. Maybe not..
Any plans to get the landscape mode fully functional?

Running on iPad Pro 11 mounted horizontally in my rig.
Found this post while doing a web search for onX landscape mode not working
I downloaded and subscribed to Premium onX Offroad last week.
It’s been a year since this post and landscape mode still doesn’t function properly.
I can get it to 'landscape' but most of the functions are disabled.
Maybe it will be implemented by the time my renewal is due next year. Maybe not..
Any plans to get the landscape mode fully functional?

Running on iPad Pro 11 mounted horizontally in my rig.
The Offroad Team is planning to do some upgrades to the landscape mode. I do not have an ETA for when that will be completed and available to you in the app, but it is being worked on.
I am re-asking a question from earlier in this thread. Any news on when in-dash app for OnX Hunt will be available for Android Auto? Last estimate was December 2023.
Same here, just did an update and plugged it into my truck and it's working!

Thanks for the heads up!
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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